Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Will the world end on Sept. 23, 2017? (Yes)

Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Dhr. Seven, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; George DuMontier, Meredith (; Joey Millar (;

ET: We are ye Gods
The end of the world is coming -- again. This time it falls on September 23, 2017, according to a numerologist named David Meade.

Meade claims to have used verses from the Christian Bible as well as certain astronomical events to predict the end of the entire world. If this is true, we can expect to see earthquakes [oh my goodness, it's already started!], tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, a collision with the 12th planet Nibiru, and the end of time on Earth.

Ye will have no other gods before Me!
But time will continue everywhere else, including the astral plane we will all instantly switch to as we carry on through samsara, the Continuing Wheel of Rebirth.
Here's how Meade discovered this biblical prophecy. Christian Bible verse Luke 21:25 reads:

"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken."

According to Meade, this passage is referring to the solar eclipse ("signs in the sun") and Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Katia, Maria, Jose... ("tossing of the sea"). 
Next, we have the special number 33. Meade says Jesus was 33-years-old when he died (returned to heaven), and the word Elohim, one of the plural names of the many Gods mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, is mentioned 33 times in the Christian Bible.
The solar eclipse was on August 21, 2017. Add the special number 33, and 33 days later we end up with September 23 -- the end of our world.
To be fair, Meade has a few other pieces of evidence for his prediction including an alignment of certain stars and planets, which makes it more convincing. He's been dismissed by both  the atheist community at NASA and the Christian community.

NASA says Planet Nibiru, sometimes known as Planet X or an unnamed object, does not exist regardless of the evidence, sightings, and books by Zecharia Sitchin.
In an article for Christianity Today [an official mouthpiece for an entire religion of tremendous diversity and thousands of sects], Ed Stetzer, a pastor and executive director of Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center, wrote, "Whenever someone tells you they have found a secret number code in the Bible, end the conversation." Source
Will the world end on Saturday?
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)

Discourses of the Buddha (translation)
Of course the world will end. It is always ending. That is the meaning of the first mark of existence, impermanence (anicca). It does not mean things will be fall apart. It means they are always falling apart. Birth (arising) leads to turning and falling away. These three phases of dependent origination are natural, inherent in phenomena. How could it be otherwise? What arises that does not fall away? There are things that endure, but while they endure they are falling away.

Intangible things can endure, but the consciousness that perceives them is constantly falling away. The Dharma, the ultimate Truth, does not change. And one Truth -- an ennobling, enlightening, liberating Truth -- is that all things are in constant flux, radically impermanent, hurtling toward destruction. So what should a wise person do? Let go, not cling, observe what is True. Everything is all right even in the midst of apparent cataclysm, turmoil, and change. If life is an illusion, it is true of all life, all sense of separateness.

Things seem scary, but they're okay.
Because things are "dependently originated" (conditionally co-arisen) -- arising in dependence on their constituent factors -- they cannot be separate from those factors. Because those factors themselves are radically impermanent, so too are they constantly in flux, changing, falling apart, being replaced with similar factors until final dissolution. To gain a "perception of impermanence" can scare an ordinary uninstructed worldling, but a meditator sees it and gains liberating wisdom by letting go, detachment, freedom.

The "perception of impermanence" is defined in the Girimananda Sutra (A.X. 60) as meditation on the impermanence of the Five Aggregates of Clinging or Groups of Existence.
"Though, with a confident heart, one goes for guidance to the Awakened One (the Buddha), the Dharma, or the Community of Enlightened Individuals, or with a heart filled with conviction observes the precepts (for virtue), or develops a mind/heart full of loving-kindness, far more meritorious is it if one cultivates the perception of impermanence, even if it is only for a moment" [because such a perception leads to letting go, to liberation, to glimpsing nirvana, to enlightenment] (A.X. 20).

*Girimānanda Sutra
This discourse was given at Jetavana Grove. Ananda brings news to the Buddha that Girimānanda is ill and asks would the Buddha go and visit him? The Buddha suggests that Ananda should repeat to Girimānanda the ten ideas (saññā, perceptions)
  1. anicca-saññā (perception of impermanence)
  2. anatta-saññā (perception of the impersonal nature of existence)
  3. asubha-saññā (perception of the repulsive)
  4. ādīnava-saññā
  5. pahāna-saññā
  6. virāga-saññā
  7. nirodha-saññā (perception of dissolution)
  8. sabbaloka-anabhirati-saññā
  9. sabbasankhāresu anicca-saññā
  10. ānāpānasatisaññā
and proceeds to expound them in detail. Ananda does so and Girimānanda recovers from that illness (A.v.108ff.).

End of the World? Will Planet X smash into Earth on Sept. 23? 
,, Updated Sept. 20, 2017

Planet Nibiru theorists believe that Planet X (the 10th planet) is due to smash into Earth on September 23, bringing the Christian "Rapture" and destroying much life and initiating the end of this world [as we know it].
Theorists believe a mysterious planet already hidden in the Solar System will collide with Earth, killing [many] and devastating the planet, sometime this Saturday. 
The bizarre claim has been put forward by a number of [astronomy] fans, most notably David Meade.

He has tied the disaster to a number of biblical prophecies and passages, including Revelation 12:1. This passage reads:

The Bible, Egypt's pyramids
“A great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head.

“And being with child, she cried out in her travail and was in anguish of delivery."

Mr. Meade claims the “sign in the sky” refers to the stunning eclipse experienced last month.
He explained: “The great sign of The Woman as described in Revelation 12:1-2 forms and lasts for only a few hours. According to computer generated astronomical models, this sign has never before occurred in human history.
“It will occur once on September 23, 2017. It will never occur again. When it occurs, it places the Earth immediately before the time of the Sixth Seal of Revelation.
“During this time frame on September 23, 2017, the moon appears under the feet of the Constellation Virgo. The Sun appears to precisely clothe Virgo.” More

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