Thursday, January 18, 2018

Gut bacteria hijacking, controlling our genes

Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly;;;
F**k those goddamn junkies in their shitholes!
Nature or Nurture? It turns out the bacteria that make up most of this body (with more bacteria than human cells in it) are in constant communication with the genes of this body. That leaves us estranged. It is, after all, just as the Buddha said: It is all impersonal.
Bacteria living in our gut are hijacking and controlling our genes
Our gut microflora isn't just sitting silently waiting for us to wolf down our next meal. It turns out there's a constant conversation going on between these bacteria and our body's genetic code. More
Governors beg Trump and Congress to do more on opioid crisis

To hell with sick people!!!
CHERRY HILL, New Jersey - Less than three months after Pres. Don Trump declared the U.S. opioid crisis a public health emergency [instead of a higher classification that would actually spur funding to counter the crisis], the nation's governors are calling on his administration and Congress to provide more money and coordination for the fight against the drugs, which are killing more than 90 Americans a day. More

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