Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Vipaka: results of KARMA (sutra)

Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (trans.) based on Ven. Thanissaro (AN 8.40), Wisdom Quarterly
Letting go is not easy. Have faith in karma.
"Meditators, the taking of life -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening (fruiting) from the taking of life is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to a shorter lifespan.
"Think about how sh*tty this is for me."
"Taking what is not given -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening from stealing is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to the loss of one's wealth.

Video of victims lecturing child molester
"Sexual misconduct -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.
  • [What is "sexual misconduct"? According to the texts, it is at its most basic having sex with any of the ten forbidden persons: someone too young to consent, under the protection of relatives or caretakers or community, already engaged, betrothed, promised, married, forbidden by law.]
"The slightest of all the results ripening from sexual misconduct is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to rivalry and revenge. 
  • [NOTE: "False speech" (the fourth precept) refers to four verbal acts: perjury, divisive tale-bearing, harsh speech, and frivolous chit chat.]
Ahhh, I didn't know I would live after death!
"Perjury [bearing false witness] -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening from perjury is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to being falsely accused.
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts (Dr. Gabor Mate)
"Divisive tale-bearing -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening from divisive tale-bearing is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to the breaking of one's friendships.
"Harsh speech -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening from harsh speech is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to unappealing sounds.
"Frivolous chit chat -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening from frivolous chattering is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to words that are not worth taking to heart.

I don't know if I believe in rebirth. If only there were some way to know in this life! (MI)

"The taking of intoxicants [that occasion heedlessness] -- when pursued, indulged in, and developed -- is something that leads to rebirth in the hells, [or depending on one's other karma] leads to rebirth as a common animal, leads to rebirth in the realm of hungry ghosts.

"The slightest of all the results ripening from taking intoxicants is that, if one is reborn as a human being, it leads to mental derangement."

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