Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Aziz Ansari: I Says I'm Sorry says NOT guilty

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Complex News; Aziz Ansari, #MeToo, #Time'sUp; BBC.com
Olympics Team USA child molestation victims face abusive doctor. See video below.

Welcome to the club, sad sack. #UsToo.
Awkward comedian Aziz Ansari (we pronounce it "I Says I'm Sorry"), you have some 'splaining to do. How could you go on a bad date and think that not-no meant yes? You need to go on more dates, mister.

Look, Aziz, I almost made TIME!
Now that you're rich and famous, maybe that will happen. Or you may go the way of Kev Dog Spacey, with his estimated $100 million net worth as a cushion. Or the way of Jimmy James Franco, who doesn't even have a well-formed accusation to speak of even as he, like you, wins awards.

How could this anonymous accuser do this to the #MeToo Movement? While real Weinsteins, Cosbys, Tobacks, and Trumps get off, you're left dangling in the wind. Even Ben Shapiro is on your side. Well, Ben Shapiro would be on your side because he hates the #MeToo and Time's Up Movements we love.
Catherine Deneuve says "puritanism" in American feminism threatens sexual liberty

An actress ingenue in Hollywood
All of this stinks. It's as if a false flag operation is underway: a person you barely know has been convinced to try to discredit you with a flimsy story to in fact discredit a serious movement. Or maybe we men think of "normal dating" as one thing, and women across the country are sick of that definition.

Well, thank you for standing up for yourself, and thank you for wearing your #MeToo button in public. Keep being funny; we can't afford the loss of another Louis C.K. We're with Catherine Deneuve and the 100 on this one:
  • Catherine Deneuve criticizes #MeToo Movement as "Puritanical" French actress is among 100 women from entertainment, academia, the arts, and media who signed an editorial Tuesday in French daily Le Monde, criticizing the current #MeToo movement for restricting sexual freedom. “Rape is a crime, but insistent or clumsy flirting is not..." 

Child molestation by Olympics Team USA Dr. Nassar
(BBC) Nearly 100 women testify during a criminal sentencing hearing for ex-Team USA gymnastics sports Dr. Larry Nassar, who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting dozens of girls. Several women tearfully described how the 54-year-old abused them, imploring the court to impose the maximum sentence. More + VIDEO

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