Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top 10 worst neighborhoods in L.A. (video)

World According to Briggs, Nov. 20, 2017; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

I can live in LA, but it's not whi...
"Welcome to California...Now go home" the funny bumper sticker reads. How funny is it? It is the sentiment of most residents in this place. We love tourist dollars and oddball visitors.

The City of Lost Angels is not all it's cracked up to be. There is no "Hollywood," just a [insert Trumpism] where mythical Hollywood used to be.

There are rich parts of L.A. They're exclusive. That means you can't go there. Oh, sure you can -- if you want to be pulled over, ticketed, towed, or given trouble.

Then there are the gated communities, which are police states there to keep you out and the rich in. But "rich" is relative. NIMBYism is rampant. Briggs recommends the travel book Blue Highways.

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