Monday, May 14, 2018

Tom DeLonge's phony UFO disclosure? (video)

Mouthy Buddha; Divine Truth; Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

(Divine Truth, March 27, 2018) David Wilcock (formerly Edgar Cayce) with Jimmy Church on [Hillary Clinton's Pizzagate child molesting unindicted co-conspirator] John Podesta's and Angels & Airwaves's (ex-Blink 182's) Tom Delonge and his alleged push for real U.S. government UFO disclosure.
TJ: (private reply). For lack of other means of contacting you, here it is: Although TD may have an album called Buddha, we have no reason to think he's a Buddhist. WQ's interest is in disclosure and efforts to undermine it. TD may have started off as a sincere seeker. He now seems like a complete disinformation tool.

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