Monday, May 14, 2018

Buddhist recovery from alcohol and drugs; Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly

Against the Stream in Hollywood and Santa Monica has ongoing weekly meetings open to anyone interested in addiction recovery and Buddhism.

"Refuge Recovery" is a community of people who are using the practices of mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity to heal the pain and suffering addiction has caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

The path of practice that followed is what Noah Levine [currently under investigation] and friends calls the "Four Truths of Refuge Recovery." These are a Buddhist-oriented path to recovery from addiction.

It has proven successful with addicts and alcoholics who have committed to the Buddhist path of meditation, generosity, kindness, and renunciation. counseling, housing
This is an approach to recovery that understands that “All beings have the power and potential to free themselves from suffering.”

Confident in the power of the Buddha’s Teachings, known as the Dharma, when applied (put into practice) will relieve suffering of all kinds, including the suffering of addiction.

These meetings are appropriate for anyone in recovery or interested in a nontheistic approach to recovery. No meditation experience is necessary. Donation only; no preregistration; just drop in. More
  • 7:30pm Tues, 4300 Melrose Ave., LA 90029
  • 7:30pm Thurs, 1001a Colorado Ave., SM, 90401
  • 6:00pm Sat, 1001a Colorado Ave., SM, 90401
  • 7:00pm Sun, 4300 Melrose Ave., LA 90029

    Refuge Recovery at Against the Stream
    For more info on Refuge Recovery including formats to start your own meeting, please visit the Refuge Recovery Website. Questions or for more information, write: 

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