Friday, July 27, 2018

Fat genius explains light and gravity (video)

Theoria Apophasis; NightHawkInLight; Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Secret of Light: 140-year-old mystery solved! Crookes Radiometer. A self-proclaimed "genius" solves the mystery of "light" and comes to fully understand gravity as well. Don't let the tattoos throw you. He is professorial. Don't let the many redundant repetitions mislead you. He may be on the spectrum but that only proves he's a nerd and a savant.

Gravity is weird

Copper's Surprising Reaction to Strong Magnets:
Force Field Motion Dampening
(NightHawkInLight, Jan. 26, 2018) In this video let's experiment with Lenz's Law and Faraday's Law of Induction to generate electricity and magnetic force fields using copper. Check out (sponsor) for a fun way to learn! More on Lenz and Faraday's laws. Special thanks to Patrons Syniurge, Matthew Leitzke, TheBackyardScientist, Enzo Breda Lee, John Johnson, and Thibaud Peverelli!

*Secrets of Magnetism* the never before seen torus-hyperboloid

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