Friday, July 27, 2018

The Sakya Trichen in Los Angeles (July 28) (L.A.); Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly

His Holiness the Sakya Trichen
第41任 薩迦法王
"His Holiness" the Sakya Trichen served as the 41st head of the Sakya Order of Tibetan Buddhism until March 2017. In addition to his leadership of the Sakya Order for over 50 years, he is renowned throughout the world for the brilliance and clarity of his teachings and his fluency and precise command of English. More


His Holiness Sakya Trichen Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche 第41任  薩迦法王 Teachings and Initiation in Southern California 南加州福慧之旅

White Umbrella Initiation 

7/28th, 2018  9:30 am-12:00 pm

White Umbrella is known as an emanation of both Avalokiteshvara and of Tara, reflect the combined powers of all the Tathagata Buddhas. Her Empowerment and practice give protection from negative emotions, harms, afflictions, diseases, and obstacles.

Understanding Death & Amitabha Sleeping Yoga
解讀死亡 & 阿彌陀佛部睡眠瑜伽
July 28th, 2018  2:30 pm
Life is impermanent. When there is birth, there will be death. The importance of mindfulness of death is emphasized in many Tibetan Buddhist texts and teachings.

Amitabha Sleeping Yoga helps us overcome destructive emotions and purify negative karma during sleep. It also cultivates lucid dream for us to see the clear light—the nature of the mind, and to see the Buddha of boundless light, Amitabha, at the time of death, so to be reborn in the Pure Land of Sukhavati.
阿彌陀佛睡眠瑜伽可幫助我們克服煩惱,並在睡眠中淨化惡業。 它還可培養我們在睡眠中依然保持清醒,讓我們看到淨光明,並在死亡時看到無量光佛–阿彌陀佛,並在阿彌陀佛的淨土中重生。

Registration 法會報名 

7/28th  9:30 am-12:00 pm
White Umbrella Initiation
7/28th  2:30pm-5pm
  • Understanding Death
  • Amitabha Sleeping Yoga

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