Friday, August 10, 2018

JoAnna Hardy dumps Against the Stream

Perhaps Mrs. Hardy (pictured) believes the accusations against her teacher, Noah Levine.
Dear Against the Stream Sangha,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation as guiding teacher and from all teaching at Against the Stream.
I have tremendous gratitude for my almost eleven years of teaching in a community that at one time felt like a match for me in every way. I felt supported in my growth as a new teacher as well as in developing my voice in areas of racial and gender equality in the Dharma. My depth of appreciation for the many faces and hearts of the sangha that I have had the privilege of practicing with fills me in this very difficult decision.
Now it’s time for me to move on. I will continue teaching Insight meditation retreats across the country, offering online courses, and seeing private students. I will also continue to teach in Los Angeles, specifically in communities dedicated to seeing the truth of how racism, gender inequality, and oppression go hand in hand with the compassionate action teachings in Buddhism. To learn more you can visit,
Sexual misconduct allegations against Levine
I realize the timing of this resignation may be challenging given the allegations against Noah Levine. In truth, I have been contemplating my resignation for more than a year and had been intending to leave. When the situation around Noah arose, I decided to remain in my position in order to provide continuity during a time of change and support the sangha. But now the time has come to move on.
I very much look forward to supporting, practicing with, and growing together in the Dharma with you. I am reachable via my website,

With deep bows and respect,

JoAnna Hardy

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