Friday, August 10, 2018

Sexual misconduct training with Noah Levine?

Noah Levine (RR, Dharma Punx); Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I'm not sleazy, these are my duck face lips like The Kardashians (
I didn't do nuthin! And anything I'm accused of, I didn't do it. That [blank] is lying.

Fall 2018 brings four retreats, including the first Refuge Recovery Silent Retreat, as well as the announcement of a new facilitator training.
Rebel Saints Meditation Society is proud to assist on the 2018 Annual Fall Southern California Meditation Retreat. Held in the Malibu Hills from September 16th through 20th. All levels of experience are encouraged to attend.
Wren and Wild, Bend, OR.
Letting Go.
The meditative art of non- attachment. Weekend of mindfulness practice in
3 sessions
Fri/Sat/Sun Sept. 28-30
Brietenbush Weekend October 26-28th
Join me for a weekend retreat on the four foundations of mindfulness. We will learn to develop mindfulness in sitting, walking, eating and hot-springs meditations.
Instructions in meditation will be offered.
“Karma-Service-Revolution. October 28th. The Buddhist path of awakening through generosity, integrity, and anti-establishment spiritual practice.” You don't want to miss this! 
Pacific Northwest Refuge Recovery Retreat... 
This silent retreat will be an opportunity to deepen your Refuge Recovery Program through the extended meditation periods so vital to our practice.
Esalen 5 Day Retreat November 18-23rd 
Give back to yourself this Thanksgiving by spending the week developing a reliable internal refuge. There will be a celebratory Thanksgiving dinner in the Esalen Lodge.
Buddhist Meditation Facilitator Training 
This training is a prerequisite to being considered for teacher training process and is only open to those with a minimum of 5 years meditation practice and experience with multiple retreats.
2019 dates
 Feb. 1-3 
May. 3-5 
Aug. 2-4 
Nov. 1-3
This will be a one year process of study, practice, and training. The group trainings will take place in Venice, CA. The goal of this training is get basic skills in offering meditation instructions and ability to share basic Dharma teachings. Please note, this training does not empower one to be a Dharma teacher. Facilitators are limited to classes and day-longs and may not teach retreats or residential workshops. 
Cost: $4,500 per year.
Prepaid discount of $4,000
or $2,500 deposit and $500 due at each training
 Applications accepted and should include how long you have been practicing, with which teachers have you studied and attended retreats, why you want to do this training, and how you intend to use these skills. If interested please send an application and check to accused sexual harasser:
Hey, guys (and gals), I'm on Facebook. Come look at all my event$ and activities.

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