Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lent begins for Catholics: letting go

Crystal Q., Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly
Forehead as is Hindu ritual borrowed by Catholicism (
What's your 2019 Lent Madness bracket? (
Happy Ash Wednesday as Western Christian Lent begins. (The Buddhist version is primarily for monastics and called Vassa or the Rains Retreat, when Theravada Buddhists visit temples weekly for meditation and sutra study). In this worldwide mass ritual, anyone can give up something harmful for 40 days and thereby improve one's karma and character, which is bound to be beneficial in the long run. But HOW to give up what we love -- masturbation, drugs, alcohol, cussing, anger, social media, porn, lust, bad habits, junk food, or meat? British monk Ajahn Brahm explains from Australia, after emerging from the forests of Northeast Thailand an enlightened being able to let go and be free from sinning ("missing the mark").

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