Monday, September 23, 2019

Irish Mythology: Tuatha De Dannan (devas)

Überboyø/Steafan Fox (video); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Irish Mythology: Mysterious Origins of Tuatha De Dannan ("Tribe of the Devas of Danu")
Tuatha Dé Danann=Tribe of the Devas of Danu
Were they Hyperboreans? Does Irish mythology -- like Buddhist, Vedic, and Christian mythologies -- say the Earth is flat and centered around Mt. Sumeru, the axis mundi? Why else do they say that the Tuatha Dé Dannan were from the north? Were they Hyperboreans? If tuatha dé means "the tribe of gods/devas," who was Danu (Danna) or the Dannan? This is explained at Minute 29:00.

Earliest Buddhist literature
The Aryan, Scythian (the historical Buddha Siddhartha "Shakyamuni" Gautama was a Shakyian/Scythian/Saka, an Indo-Iranian, thus Ariyan), post-Vedic culture is where the Buddha was from -- Shakya Land with Kapilavastu as one of its three seasonal capitals, in and around modern Afghanistan, Gandhara, and Sakastan -- the lands where the once great ancient Indus Valley Civilization that preceded "India" (Maha Bharata) thrived. This is where the devas ("shining ones," celestials, advanced races from the north, namely Agartha and Shambhala inside our hollow Earth as well as space (akasha) worlds or deva lokas, lived and communicated with Earthling humans.

Buddhist Mythology
Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit
North Pole leads to entrance of toroid planet
Agartha (interior worlds of Middle Earth in general) is frequently confused or associated with Shambhala (a mythical Buddhist city, an enlightened society, often called Shangri-la), which figures prominently in Vajrayana Buddhism and Tibetan Kalachakra teachings (from when Tibet was an empire in the Himalayas with its Vatican/capital in Lhasa, down to Mongolia, Siberia, Russia, and Bangladesh) and revived in the West by Russian Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. Theosophists in particular regard Agarthi as a vast complex of caves underneath Tibet inhabited by evil "demons," called Asuras. Helena and Nicholas Roerich, whose teachings closely parallel Theosophy, see Shambhala's existence as both spiritual and physical. More
  • Flat Earth Paradise:
  • The Brilliant Peter Gundry:
  • Irish Landscapes:
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