Monday, September 23, 2019

World's first Irish Buddhist monk (video)

Prof. Brian Bocking, Religions Dept., Univ. College Cork, Ireland; Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
We hope Pasadena's Parson's Nose Theater will one day include Ven. Dhammaloka

Venerable U ("ooh") Dhammaloka -- born the Irishman and Freethinker Lawrence Carroll, or Larry O'Rourke, or William Colvin (?) in the south of Dublin, Ireland -- became a famous Buddhist monk in Asia, eventually being the first Caucasian/European to ordain in Theravada Buddhist Burma, which was then part of the imperial British empire, the United Kingdom, in East India. He lived up until 1914 in Bangkok, Thailand. But he would have been cremated as a Buddhist monk in accord with ancient tradition. Alan Bennett is not the first Western Buddhist after all.

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