Friday, December 6, 2019

Yoga: Wim Hof Breathing Method (video)

Wim Hof, Joe Rogan via Fit Of Vet 10/28/15; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly

Wim Hof breathing method Joe Rogan interview
Becoming the Iceman (Hof)
This illuminating talk between Wim "Iceman" Hof and Host Joe Rogan took place on the "Joe Rogan Experience" podcast of Oct. 20, 2015. "We can control happiness, health, and strength," claims Hof. The "Wim Hof Method" is reaching more people all over the world as he teaches breathing techniques for vibrant health, enduring and conquering cold, building the immune system, regulating the autonomic nervous system, adjusting the endocrine system, overcoming poison, climbing Mt. Everest in shorts, running marathons barefoot, and seeing the internal lights of the chakras (Min. 48:15). And he does it under scientific scrutiny that might throw off most yogis and meditators. Live happy, healthy, and strong. For more information about The Wim Hof Method, see:

Becoming the Iceman
This book is about a project inspired by Wim Hof and co-author Justin Rosales to show the world that everyone can adopt the ability to become an Iceman/Icewoman. The project's goal is to show that the ability to control the body's temperature is not a special ability only Wim Hof has. It is an ability that can be learned and practiced by everyone. For generations, we have been taught to fear the cold: "Wear a jacket! You don't want to come down with hypothermia, do you?" "Put your gloves on before you get frostbite!" These, of course, are consequences of exposure to extreme cold. But with proper understanding, anyone can learn to use the cold as a natural teacher. You may have seen Wim Hof on TV running barefoot through the snow or swimming in ice water. While performing such incredible feats, he remains completely warm and comfortable the entire time. He is the epitome showing what can happen if someone uses the cold to train the body. Like any new tool we must understand how it works before we can use it effectively and efficiently. This is how it is with cold. Readers may be wondering, "How can you prove that anyone can learn this ability? In the fall of 2009, Justin Rosales had no experience with cold whatsoever. He was a student at Penn State University. After his friend, Jarrett, showed him a Wim Hof video on YouTube, he became very interested in understanding this ability. He wanted to see if it was possible for anyone to learn. In spring 2010, after communicating with Hof for several months by email, he was invited to attend a Wim Hof workshop in Poland. After many weeks of working as a dish washer, Rosales was able to pay for the trip and learn the Iceman technique. With more training and experiences in the cold, Rosales began to adapt. The length of time he could remain exposed to severe cold increased dramatically. He realized that the technique that enabled him to withstand the cold is, indeed, an ability everyone can learn. This book tells the tale of becoming the Iceman.

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