Thursday, April 10, 2014

America's youngest yoga teacher (video)

Yogi Seven, Amber Larson, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Reuters via DailyMail
What if everyone could do yoga -- the union of body, breath (spirit), and mind? (MY)

Fitness in a cup: Can harmful caffeine influence workout routines? It seems so. According to research, those with a nasty caffeine habit can exercise more. "Science" says so! (


Can caffeine influence your fitness routine? It seems so. According to a research, those with a regular caffeine intake can exercise more successfully
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Can caffeine influence your fitness routine? It seems so. According to a research, those with a regular caffeine intake can exercise more successfully
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A whole new meaning to child's pose! Meet America's youngest yoga teacher
Hold it there! Twelve-year-old certified yoga instructor Jaysea DeVoe teaches her yoga class at the Bergamot Spa in Encinitas, California
Yoga Master Jaysea DeVoe (Reuters)

I'm not taking her class (
Twelve-year-old certified yoga instructor Jaysea DeVoe teaches her yoga class at Bergamot Spa in California.
In addition to her pint-sized students aged four to six, she teaches teens and fellow tweens in her California beach town of Encinitas and is about to start a family yoga class.  Oh, and she just told her dad she wants to look into making eco-friendly yoga mats.
If Suey Park is busy, maybe I...can try yoga?
"I feel like I want to do this for a long time because I love teaching so much," says DeVoe, the picture of a California beach girl, with long blond hair and long legs to match. But DeVoe is not alone in her entrepreneurial zeal. Her twin brother, 12, is a sponsored competitive surfer and works at a surfboard fin manufacturing company. [So move to California now and you, too, can raise prodigies!] More
Perspective as a Power Tool: 3 Ways to Change the Way We See Things
Zoe Kors (
I wouldn't take her class either, but Woody'$
"I kind of quit surfing when I got out of high school, but then a few years ago I started to take it up again. I'm not an expert by any means, but it's so wonderful to get out in the ocean and get a different perspective on things." - Actor Jeff Bridges

It's part of the human condition that we come upon challenging moments when it feels like people in our lives, or even life itself, are wearing us down. Or perhaps there is a specific aspect of a situation or relationship that is showing up as a persistent source of discomfort. At these times... More
Friend Miely and yoga instructor Jaysea DeVoe (Mike Blake/

Cycling through the Day for Mindful Practice – The Body/Mind Types
Click for INTERACTIVE mag
According to Ayurveda [Vedic science of health], the energetic qualities of the doshas (or body/mind types: vata, pitta, and kapha) rotate throughout the day. So different influences predominate during different portions of the day. They can affect our practices of poses (asana), pranayama (spirit control), and meditation as well as our strength, state of mind, mood, and more. As yoga therapists, acknowledging and understanding these cycles can help us more effectively work with clients and students. The inherent qualities of the doshas have a strong influence... We can fight against or flow with and utilize practice to help find balance... More

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