Thursday, July 31, 2014

The world's greatest MANTRA

Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly
Daibutsu, or "Giant Buddha," of Japan (Paul & Shellie Davis/
Daibutsu (Marcus Antonius Braun/flickr)
According to Yogini Leith O'Leary, the greatest and most powerful mantra in the world is pronounced tan-kuu, two syllables holding the second syllable longer, which in Spanish is pronounced gracias.

As we began to chant, we started with OM, an acronym for "omniscient mind," which Leith pronounces AUM: three blended sounds that stand for everything we are Aware of, everything we are Unaware of, and everything, the MMM of the humming universe.
The Buddha did not make much of mantras. After all, he was making known a "Higher Teaching" (Abhi-dharma) toward complete liberation in a Vedic land consumed with empty ritual, sympathetic magic, and elitist temple priests (the Brahmins of Brahmanism).

Many centuries later, "Hinduism" (Indus river valley civilization -ism) was formed. By systematizing disparate Indian teachings into a coherent message, Sri Shankara created a "religion" born out of a spiritual culture. Then the clinging began as later came the warring over it by nationalistic Indians. Modi may remember them, as they are alive and well in his party.

But there were protective (paritta) chants and monastic sermon memorizations and recitals (bana). And with Mahayana, a popular blend of Hinduism and Buddhism, there were mantras, too. Tantra-yana, mantra-yana, but for all that complexity, Leith is right:

The best mantra is "thank-you" repeated as often as possible.

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