Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wisdom Quarterly reaches 5 million views!

Join FEMEN, Balinese beauty, to urge the primates, our fellow mammals, to knock it off (OZ).
Are we punx? (
Wisdom Quarterly officially hits five million direct views (with more indirect views than we can count), which means another tribute to the characteristic physical feature of our mammalian species.

Welcome, helper devas! Not so fast, great dragons (nagas). Hold it right there, furious titans (asuras). There are so many kinds of earthlings -- seen and unseen, dense and subtle, animal and spiritual, overt and covert -- so who's reading this journal?

Censored message to emperors (
Special thanks to our teachers: Bhikkhu Bodhi (Buddhist Publication Society and BAUS), Pa Auk Sayadaw, Kalyani (mitta), Sayalay Susila, Ven. Dhammadipa, Pema Chodron, Ayya Khema, Ayya Tathaaloka (, Buddha Boy (Ven. Dharmasangha/Ram Bomjon) and Buddha Girl (Ven. Ratanayani), Jack Kornfield (, Alliance for Bhikkhunis (nuns), Dr. Rick Hanson, Ven. Joan Halifax (

Breasts without airbrush, Page 3 (Guardian)
Shramanas, urban shamans, brave bhikshunis everywhere, Bhante, translators, commentators, professors, scholars,, Pali Text Society, Hsi Lai temple and the University of the West, Afghan Buddhist missionaries (revealed by Edward P. Vining), Maurice O'Connell Walshe, Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Davids, Ajahn Brahm, Sharon Salzberg, Tina Rasmussen and Stephen Snyder...
American Buddhists
Wisdom Publications, Pariyatti Press, Tricycle Magazine, Yoga Journal, Chinese Ch'an masters, sartorial Zen hipsters claiming satori, Against the Stream (Dharma Punx), social activists, lurid scientists, practicing yogis, seekers, Jains, Hindus, rishis, poets, comedians, musicians, Gustav Holst (Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda), atheists, rebels, and all who sit. This is a wordless tribute to some things we like:

India's flag at its center contains a Buddhist symbol, a thousand-spoked wheel
Ayya Tathaaloka and the Buddhist nuns of the Alliance for Bhikkhunis (
  • Little could we have known that it would take another ten years to reach 10,000,000 official views or that it was on in 2024 that we reached the most views in one day, when more than 41,000 viewers visited. There have been countless other views due to sharing, taking of our work, and variables in counting meters.
  • Editors Amber Larson, Seth AuberonAshley Wells, CC Liu, Bhante, Dhr. Seven, Pat MacphersonPfc. SandovalXochitl, Crystal Quintero, Sheldon S.Mara Shaeffer, with great gratitude to Kalyani, et al., Wisdom Quarterly

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