Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bhikkhu Bodhi teaching at BAUS (video)

Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Bhikkhu Bodhi (Chaung Yen Monastery,, 8/29-9/3/2014 Abhidhamma Study Retreat)
Bhikkhu Bodhi
A Course in the The Middle Length Discourses with Bhikkhu Bodhi
CARMEL, Upstate New York - This is an in-depth study of an important set of sutras.

These sacred Buddhist texts were compiled as The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Majjhima Nikaya) and translated into English by Ven. Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Wisdom Publications).

The class starts at 9:00 am with a 50-minute silent meditation in the library near the lake.

This is followed at 10:00 am by a talk on a sutra (sutta, a teaching, a discourse of the Buddha) until 11:20 am, with time for questions.

This is followed by a vegetarian/vegan lunch in the CYM Cafeteria for all. A discussion period with Ven. Bodhi is then held after lunch, from 12:15 to 12:45 pm. Newcomers are welcome.

If unable to attend class in person, follow the class by livestream at:
Videos of the class are then posted a week later on YouTube:
This is the schedule for July through October 2014:
Date Sutra No. Sutra Title Main Topic
July 19th
Mindfulness of Breathing – Part 1 Mindfulness of breathing
July 26th
Mindfulness of Breathing – Part 2 Mindfulness of breathing
Aug 2nd
Mindfulness of the Body – Part 1 Mindfulness of the body
Aug 16th
Mindfulness of the Body – Part 2 Mindfulness of the body
Aug 23rd
Rebirth by Aspiration How to determine one’s own rebirth
Sept 6th
Shorter Discourse on Emptiness On the “genuine entrance upon emptiness”
Sept 20th
Greater Discourse on Emptiness – Part 1 On abiding in the concentration on emptiness
Oct 4th
Greater Discourse on Emptiness – Part 2 On abiding in the concentration on emptiness

Reference Material: (1) Basic Meditation Guidance ; (2) Sharing the Merits

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