Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The NAZI "War on [Some] Drugs"

DADD: Dads Against Daughters on Drugs: Shoot the first [hypodermic] and the word will spread, that way we can grow into a full fledged organization, pumpkin (badidea.com).
I love Reegin and Nancy, too! But Dick loves Adolf
It wasn't former first lady, and possible Nazi sympathizer, Nancy Reagan with her "Just Say No" campaign that created the failed U.S. War on Drugs, nor was it her hubby, former hated California Governor beloved former Pres. Ronnie Reagan, whose hagiographies have made him a Republican darling. Nor was it his predecessor's, nor his...
Neal Smith, Occupied America: A Chronology of Nazi Infiltration and the War on Some Drugs
Seig, uh, Howdy! G.W. was the Nazi!
1820 — Rothschilds established as the leading bank in Europe. Bankers who allied themselves with the Rothschilds, and those who supported the Masonic order, found themselves well off. Those who didn't had a rough way to go.
1840 — During an attempt at alcohol prohibition, then-attorney Abraham Lincoln states: "Prohibition makes a crime out of things that are not crimes ... A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded."
1842 — Cannabis makes up about half of all medicines sold in America. No one reports serious problems with use.
1850 — Cannabis prescribed as the prime medicine for more than 100 separate illnesses or diseases in U.S. Pharmacopoeia.
1865 — Northern Industrialists win War Between the States. Now have power base over agricultural South, influences westward expansion of U.S, location of railroads. Mary Todd Lincoln prescribed cannabis for the nervous breakdown she suffered following husband (President) Lincoln's assassination.
1875 — California, in a blatant act of racism, bans opium smoking by Chinese. Large, well-run opium houses ran out of business, replaced by smaller, less reputable houses. Usage increases.
1876 — Turkish hashish exhibition at Philadelphia's Centennial Exhibition was most popular. Fairgoers encouraged to return again and again to "enhance" their enjoyment of the fair.
1883 — First federal law against drugs. Congress heavily taxed smoking opium. First time taxation was used to legislate morality, instead of raise revenues. Controlled by Treasury Department.
1884 — Supreme Court decision making corporations artificial persons. Gives corporations 14th Amendment protections.
1888 — Using 1883 Opium Taxation Law as precedent, federal government banned certain types of opium from being imported, and banned Chinese from importing opium at all. Government now surrenders revenue raising in favor of controlling "morality."
1890 — Standard Oil of Ohio is refining 90% of America's oil, thanks to Rothschild financing.
1894 — Indian Hemp Drugs Commission report released to British. Study done in India. Judged the physical, mental, moral effects of smoking cannabis, urges against any prohibition based on "no appreciable physical injury of any kind, ... no injurious effects on the mind, ... (and) no moral injury whatever."

Ghost of Pres. Reagan: NSA spying
Cora Currier and Ryan Devereaux (firstlook.org/theintercept, 9-29-14)
Featured photo - The Ghost of Ronald Reagan Authorizes Most NSA Spying
The beloved, racist, right wing conservative
U.S. intelligence agents have broad authority to spy on U.S. companies as long as they are “believed to have some relationship with foreign organizations or persons” -- a description that could conceivably apply to ANY company with foreign shareholders, subsidiaries, or even employees -- according to newly released government documents published recently by the ACLU. The trove, which includes documents from the NSA, Department of Justice, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, confirms long-standing suspicions that the bulk of U.S. foreign surveillance operations are governed not by acts of Congress, but by a [ridiculous] 33-year-old executive order issued unilaterally by President Ronald Reagan. More
1895 — Rothschilds begin to finance American business. They do so primarily through the Warburgs of Germany who were partners of Kuhn, Loeb, and Company of New York. Both Warburgs and Kuhn/Loeb would be principals of Federal Reserve Board. Rothschilds would finance Rockefeller's Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel, and the Harriman Railroad system.
1896 — McKinley elected president. Marcus Alonzo Hannah from Standard Oil of Ohio raised 16 million dollars for campaign, otherwise unheard of until 1960's.
1898 — Spanish American War starts, with William Randolph Hearst's "Yellow Journalism" fueling the fires. Hearst begins his long campaign of racism against Hispanics, "Orientals," and Africans, and the things they do in their cultures.
1900 — Mellon Bank, sixth largest in America, finances very successful oil "gusher" in Spindletop, Texas. Eli Lilly and Parke Davis, in a joint venture, develops strain of cannabis called "Cannabis Americana." Strain is a very potent Cannabis Indica, to be used in their medicines.
1906 — Pure Food and Drug Act (Wiley Act) passed. Opens door for government intervention into food and medicine production.
1911 — Standard Oil of New Jersey found in violation of Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Forced to diversify, though all companies they split into, John D. Rockefeller had at least 25% of stock. Therefore, spirit of Sherman Anti-Trust violated.
1912 — Wiley Act amended, giving government right to determine if a substance is "harmful."...
Krugman_The_Great_Unraveling2000 — The annual budget for the War On Some Drugs request is the highest ever: $17.7 billion dollars...some claim $19 billion. It's not known as of this writing how much will actually be spent. As of this writing, Congress is debating spending up to nine billion additional dollars to arm the nation of Columbia in the War On Some Drugs. Many fear a repeat of the Vietnam fiasco. As of February 15, two million people are behind bars in America. With approximately [5%] of the world's population, we now incarcerate 25% of the world's prisoners. Of the two million, approximately 61% are jailed on drug charges. Of that group, approximately 82% are in on Marijuana charges. Of that subset, 65% are for mere possession cases. Reports begin to surface on the overuse of drugs like Prozac and Ritalin on preschool children. Amnesty International reports a continuation of abuses in the former Yugoslavia. The Kosovar Liberation Army, which the U.S. State Department claims is disbanded, still rules the streets of Kosovo. Twenty-eight thousand NATO troops remain as "Peacekeepers." The Miami Herald releases a document signed by an imprisoned Chilean Military Officer that directly implicates Chilean former President Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet was put into power in the 70's after U.S. President Richard Nixon's CIA provided assistance to overthrow popularly-elected Salvador Allende. According to the Herald, the document reveals Pinochet's involvement in a 1976 operation that assassinated Chilean exile leader Orlando Letelier. The bombing occurred in Washington, D.C. and is still considered the most serious act of international terrorism to date on U.S. soil. The Herald quotes Espinoza saying that "... by order of the President, we must begin an investigation of Orlando Letelier, who is threatening the stability of the Chilean Government." Espinoza was never extradited to the U.S. to face bombing charges, but he and one other were convicted of the bombing in Chile in 1995. More

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