Tuesday, September 30, 2014

USA conquers Afghanistan today, not leaving

Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; Sonali Kolhatkar (uprisingradio.org); Amy Goodman (democracy.now)
Bamiyan skateboarder, Afghanistan, once Sakastan now Skateistan (zeroanthropology.net)
The largest Buddha in the world is in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, but it is not the one detonated by the CIA/Taliban/OSI. Rather it is still underground, a massive reclining in nirvana figure National Geographic has investigated.
Afghanistan destroyed again
The world's largest Buddha (NatGeo)
USA/CIA installs new corrupt leaders more friendly to the West -- a former World Bank official for president, a Warlord for VP, and Abdullah Abduallah gets to be CEO, a new office set up to accommodate the defeated opposition candidate who assures US officials he would have been even more favorable to the West than the selected, installed, elected winner.

Giant Buddha of Bamiyan
Handpicking opposition officials is the best way to conquer and rule a country: killing by remote control with assassin-drones, taking over illegal drug production in the poppy fields to fund covert activities, keeping every in Washington DC in line and on point (talking points distributed to them), and cheating China (with its MCC) out of the mineral wealth and priceless Buddhist treasures sitting in the ground which it had planned to raze in Mes Aynak to get at the gold, copper, and rare earths.

Smaller Buddha of Bamiyan
Buddhism co-originated in Afghanistan, ancient Shakya-land of the Scythians/Shakyans. While the Buddha traveled east to India and began teaching in the suburbs of the holy city of Varanasi, his family awaited his return in Bamiyan-Mes Aynak-Kabul.

When he returned many converted to his new doctrine, relinquished their royal status as nomadic pastoralists from Central Asia (Greek "Scythia"), became monastics, and built the largest monasteries and statues and temples in the Buddhist world.

Only later did the Dharma and the magnificent architecture move around Asia reaching Cambodia (Angkor Wat) and Indonesia (Borobudur) and China, the walled empire. The world now has many dazzling Buddhist sites, some still hidden in the jungles between Cambodia and Thailand waiting to be discovered, much like the recent discovery at Siem Reap.

But Afghanistan is different because, as ancient Indo-Scythia/Gandhara running from modern Pakistan (which only came into existence in 1947 and was formerly the northwest frontier of "Greater India," Maha Bharat, a loose affiliation of kingdom, fiefdoms, republics, "clan footholds"/territories (janapadas). One of the seasonal Shakyan capitals, Kapilavastu, was at Bamiyan, a fabulously rich place thanks to the ancient Silk Route.
Bamiyan's big ancient Buddhas destroyed (news.nationalgeographic.com)

US (MIC) Empire finally conquers Afghanistan
What has the Military-Industrial Complex done now with its militant enforcement arm, the CIA?
Afghanistan has inaugurated its first new president in a decade, swearing in World Bank official Ashraf Ghani to head a power-sharing government. Joining him on stage Monday was Abdul Rashid Dostum, Afghanistan’s new vice president.
Afghan Massacre: Eyewitnesses testify U.S. troops complicit in war crimes killing POWs
Dostum is one of Afghanistan’s most notorious warlords, once described by Ghani himself as a "known killer." Dostum’s rise to the vice presidency comes despite his involvement in a 2001 massacre that killed up to 2,000 Taliban prisoners of war. The victims were allegedly shot to death or suffocated in sealed metal truck containers after they surrendered to Dostum and the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance.

The dead prisoners -- some of whom had been tortured -- were then buried in the northern Afghan desert. Dostum, who was on the CIA payroll, has been widely accused of orchestrating the massacre and tampering with evidence of the mass killing.
For more than a decade, human rights groups have called on the United States to conduct a full investigation into the massacre including the role of U.S. special forces and CIA operatives

Democracy Now! speaks to Jamie Doran, director of the 2002 documentary "Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death," and Susannah Sirkin, director of international policy at Physicians for Human Rights, the group that discovered the site of the mass graves of the Taliban POWs. More

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