Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sexism leads to funny backlash (photos)

Thomas Burrows (DailyMail, 6/12/15); Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Sexy scientists distracting serious nerd scientists in the lab with their cosplay *Wink* Two female scientists joke about how they "stopped crying long enough" to post this picture (DM).
CAUTION: Mixed gender lab! No falling in love or crying permitted (
Man mocked vigorously by scientists on twitter for his old time "common sense" comments.
"Smash the patriarchy" tee seen as male allies and female protesters stand together (AP)
Changing styles: When did this become hotter than this, social scientists?
Beautiful Orthodox Judaism is ugly and sexist and a major influence on Christianity.
"Warnings" on wall mock sexism
Check out my nice rack! [It's a tray of biohazaradous lab specimens.] Scientists, who happen to be female, mock "sexist" old time Nobel Prize winning professor with hilarious pictures showing just how #distractinglysexy they can be.
  • Women scientists uploaded pictures with #distractinglysexy hashtag.
  • Posted images in "seductive" lab coats, masks, boiler suits, and goggles .
  • Online backlash came after Sir Tim Hunt [was pressured to resign] this week for his insensitive comments.
  • He said: "Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry" [which can be true but is not PC].
Every woman is a Pussy Riot.
Dressed in enormous goggles, unflattering lab coats, and even coated in seabird excrement, these female scientists mocked Nobel Prize winner Dr. Tim Hunt with a series of "distractingly sexy" photos.

Sir Tim, a Royal Society fellow, was roundly criticized over his [advocacy of gender separation in research labs and his] claim women are a distraction in the laboratory, which led to his [forced] resignation.

At a conference of science journalists, he provoked outrage by saying: "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry."
Now, in an online backlash, women scientists uploaded pictures of themselves kitted out in their "seductive" lab coats, filter masks, or boiler suits accompanied by the #DistractinglySexy hashtag.

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