Friday, February 12, 2016

Americans losing religion? Hybrids = more

Audrey Ngo, Larry Mantle, Rabbi Adam GreenwaldBrett Hoover, Cecil M. Robeck Jr. (AirTalk, Feb. 2016,; Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"BuddhaCats"? Buddhist-Catholics. Susy Vazquez prays before a shadow that has formed what many think is the silhouette of the Holy Family (Joe Raedle/Getty Images/KPCC/
BuddhaCats, Jubus, Hindu-Jesuits, Christian-Taoists, curious Muslims, and "Zen" lovers...
A recent Politico article addressed Marco Rubio’s journey from Catholicism to Mormonism to an Evangelical megachurch and back again.
Rubio has been described as an "Evangelical Catholic," which could be a deal-breaker for some voters. But beyond the political scope of Rubio’s faith, his hybrid of beliefs begs the question: Can you be a Catholic and a Buddhist, Protestant, or Evangelical at the same time?
My New Year Fire Monkey (scpr)
Practicing a religious hybrid isn’t as uncommon as one may think. As one example, people of interfaith marriages and their children adapt to this concept, but finding ways to do it can be challenging.
So how do people practice more than one religion? Larry Mantle weighs in with some religious experts to discuss the dynamic of religious hybrids. More + AUDIO

  • Brett Hoover, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University 
  • Rabbi Adam Greenwald, Director of the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program at American Jewish University 
  • Cecil M. Robeck Jr., Director of the David J. Duplessis Center for Christian Spirituality and Professor of Church History and Ecumenics at the School of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary
BuddhaCats, Jubus, Hindu-Jesuits, Christian-Taoists, curious Muslims, and "Zen" lovers...
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