Friday, February 12, 2016

True Story of Che Guevara (documentary video)

History Channel (video); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly
(CD) Dir. Maria Berry, writer Maria Berry. Mario Ramirez Reyes, Andrew Blood, Jay Costelo

Latin-Irish Che Guevara
Argentinian doctor who joined Cuba's Fidel Castro in Mexico in 1954 and was a leader of the 1956-59 Cuban Revolution -- "Che" (Ernesto Guevara Lynch) served as president of Cuba's national bank and as Cuba's minister of industry in the period immediately following the Cuban Revolution.

Towards the end of his formal affiliation with the Cuban government, Che came to implicitly criticize Soviet bureaucracy. His positions put him at odds with the party line of the Cuban Communist Party. In 1965, Che realized that the defense of the Cuban Revolution and the creation of revolutions abroad were naturally not always in sync, and this ultimately led to his resignation and his return to revolutionary work abroad.

The revolution's over/lost when you're on bank notes (
During Che's subsequent revolutionary campaigns, he wrote his "Message to the Tricontinental" (1967) in which he openly criticized the Soviet Union, claiming that the Northern hemisphere of the world -- both the USSR and the USA -- exploited the Southern hemisphere of the world. He strongly supported the Vietnamese Revolution, and he urged his comrades in South America to create "many Vietnams."

Che is cool (Dhr. Seven/WQ)
In 1965 Che left Cuba to set up guerrilla forces first in the Congo and then later in Bolivia, where he was ultimately captured and killed in October 1967. Accounts of his execution have varied over the years, but many contemporary versions indicate some degree of collaboration between Bolivia's government troops and the United States secretive criminals the CIA.

Che Guevara developed a theory of primacy of military struggle, in particular concept of guerrilla foquismo. Many of Che's theories regarding guerrilla tactics are articulated in his 1961 work Guerrilla Warfare.

Korda, revolutionary photographer, Museum of Latin American Art (
Fidel Castro (L), sailor, Che Guevara, and friend in Cuban waters, 1960 (apeaceful-warrior)
The Short Life of Che 
Curt Dotty, DouglasDuartee edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
(Documentaries Hub) Life of Ernesto Che Guevara - a rare full-length documentary
Che Guevara is the face of REVOLUTION, an icon of style, a symbol of REBELLION. He stands for many things the world fights. He sacrificed his life, became a martyr, for a greater cause. And this has resulted in his immortality. He lived hard and died young, at the peak of his fame. This video is a tribute to the legend, with a few lesser known facts like:

"Che" is an interjection. The famous nickname "Che" (short for Ernest/o) is a casual speech filler which he frequently used. He came to be known as Che by 1953.

Brainy Guevara: He wasn't just a fiery leader. He was an intellectual from the beginning. He had affinity for chess by the age of 12. He was an avid READER, and a passionate admirer of POETRY.

The Buddha: rebel inspiration, light of the world (Srijan Roy Chandhury/
He had a collection of over 3,000 books. He made handwritten notes of concepts and philosophies of his favorite intellectuals, even composing analytical sketches of the BUDDHA and Aristotle. The CIA, in 1958 would describe him as "quite well read" and fairly intellectual for a Latino in their declassified "biographical and personality report."

Not Cuban: Che is associated with Cuba for his involvement in the overthrowing of the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. But he was born and brought up in Argentina and wanted to reunite all of Latin America. His family was of Basque and Irish descent. But he would discard of all that and say that the world was his playground. He fought for the FREEDOM of the common person, and the story is the same everywhere.

Che has 5 kids: He was a man of the people, of and by the people. He was a father of five from two marriages. He married Hilda Gadea Acosta, a Peruvian economist, in 1955. They had one daughter in 1959. Che confessed to Hilda that he was involved with another woman. They both agreed on a divorce, and he married Aleida March, a Cuban-born member of the 26th of July movement, who was with him till his death. They had four children. Che's first daughter with Hilda is named Hilda, and his first daughter with Aleida is named Aleida. The others are Camilo, Celia, and Ernesto.

The Iconic Photograph: Described as the "most famous photograph in the world," the portrait of Che's face, which can be found almost everywhere particularly on t-shirts, posters, graffiti, and tattoos. It was captured by Alberto KORDA. It was named "Guerrillero Heroico" ("Heroic Guerrilla Fighter"), captured on March 5th, 1960 in Havana, Cuba. The photo has reproduced more than any other in the history of photography. He was 31 years old when it was taken.

Che for Christ? After his execution, he began to develop a "sanctified" image. Locals and artists and other personalities saw in his face a physical resemblance to Jesus Christ. They soon began making comparisons. Both were doctors, with Christ being a miraculous healer and Che a trained physician. Both fought for similar ideals, like owning less and sharing all. And both urged people to leave behind their comfort-zone and sacrifice for the greater good.

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