Friday, September 23, 2016

See "Idiocracy" with Mike Judge (Sept. 24th)

Host Alex Cohen, activist Amanda Fairey, actor Terry Crews (; creator Mike Judge, Conan O'Brien (Conan); CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
DUMB IS OVER! (IF YOU WANT IT) #MakeAmericaSmartAgain (

What "Idiocracy" can teach us about the 2016 election
Mike Judge created "Beavis & Butthead"
The film "Idiocracy" debuted 10 years ago this month. It stars Luke Wilson as an Army librarian picked for an experiment: to be sealed in a chamber for a year.

The experiment is abandoned and Wilson wakes up in the year 2505 to find a world that is radically different. Crops are dead because they’ve been fed electrolyte drinks instead of water. Americans speak a dumbed-down version of English, where every other word is an obscenity. Then there’s the president, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, played by actor Terry Crews. He's a gun-toting, motorcycle-riding former wrestler.
Amanda Fairey at KPCC
Actor Terry Crews will appear at a special screening of "Idiocracy" live with Mike Judge at the Echo Park Tennis and Recreation Center, along with director Mike Judge and co-star Dax Shepard. It's all part of a movement called #MakeAmericaSmartAgain, thought up by Shepherd and Amanda Fairey (shown at left), which aims to increase non-partisan voter education and participation. Crews and Fairey joined host Alex Cohen to talk about the event.

What is the purpose of #MakeAmericaSmartAgain, and how does "Idiocracy" fit into this movement?
Amanda Fairey: "My husband Shepherd Fairey and I one day were watching TV, and 'Idiocracy' was on. I looked over at him and I said, 'Make America great again? Make America smart again? What the heck is going on?' This movie is so relevant now and we've been watching it for about 10 years... It just made us realize that there is a lot of voter apathy, and the spread of a lot of miscommunication among the American citizens. Our concern for this lead us to create this call to action that would encourage voter education and motivate voter turn out.
Don't vote for Jill Stein. Vote for us!
It's a non-partisan movement to promote education on all issues and not align with or disparage any candidates. So, really, we just want to make American smart again, and we thought doing screenings of 'Idiocracy' would be the perfect way to get people fired up over this and to go out there and find out for themselves what everybody's talking about, what all the candidates are talking about, and make a real decision on their own without being swayed by misinformation."  More
(US Chronicle/InfoWars) Mike Judge invited Alex Jones to his Austin, Texas home for a one-on-one interview. Judge covered an IRS scandal, Jones' epic interview on Piers Morgan, and the Second Amendment debate, giving insights into his groundbreaking animation, movies (like "Office Space," "Idiocracy" and the very disappointing "Beavis & Butthead" feature, but now he wants to make a live action version to make up for it), and style of satire that is proving to be prophetic. He discloses the origins of Beavis and Butthead, Dale Gribble, and behind the scenes of the movie that Hollywood tried to kill, "Idiocracy."

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