Friday, September 23, 2016

Sex, high school, assault ("Audrie & Daisy")

Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Netflix; (;; Ondi Timoner (LipTV)

Uh, charges were dropped and our attorney told us to keep shutted up 'bout it.

The documentary "Audrie & Daisy" is the story of Daisy Coleman, who in early January 2012 was a 14-year-old high school freshman. Coleman and her 13-year-old friend, Paige Parkhurst, were invited to a small party of high school athletes. The girls had already been drinking when the boys came to pick them up. Daisy blacked out at the party. She says Matthew Barnett sexually assaulted her while she was unconscious, while Jordan Zech, a star high school wrestler, videotaped (Democracy Now!)
Will Hillary Clinton's lover's husband be watching? Probably not. Disgraced politician and new father Anthony Weiner has more sexting to do with random teens, and his wife, Huma Abedin, is busy with the election of her gay partner. But everyone else with Netflix can watch this powerful new documentary about high school rape culture.

No one prepared me for this.
(TheLipTV) AUDRIE & DAISY explores teenage sexual assault, trauma, power, and coming-of-age in the world of social media through victims Audrie Pott and Daisy Coleman.

Filmmakers Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk share clips from the film and detail the role sexting and social media have played in the growing rates of sexual assault among teenagers. Cohen and Shenk also discuss how they got involved in the film, interviewing the perpetrators and protecting anonymity in this Sundance edition of BYOD hosted by Ondi Timoner.
(DL) CNN's story on sexual assault in Missouri, Melinda and Daisy Coleman
WARNING: Strong content! Pornography.
The girls, two high school girls in different towns across America, were sexually assaulted by boys they thought were their friends. Both girls experienced social media bullying and were stigmatized -- and both attempted suicide.

Tragically, Audrie takes her own life, but Daisy survives, and her story becomes a journey to keep living. By juxtaposing their stories and drawing connections between the two teenage girls, bold filmmakers Cohen and Shenk illuminate the larger societal epidemic of sexual assault that has been exacerbated by today’s technologies.

I won't be watching! I don't have Netflix.
Rather than paint a simple picture, they also give voice to the spectrum of male perspectives involved in Daisy’s case: her assailants, the small-town sheriff, and her brother, who now works to change the next generation of boys. More

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