Monday, August 21, 2017

Moon does NOT cause solar eclipses (video)

NASA can't hide the truth on August 21, 2017, the morning the shadow or umbra loses its way and run in the opposite direction than it would if the earth were spinning eastward and the moon were the cause of the shadow.
World History Official“According to the globular [ball earth] theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon” - F.H. Cook, The Terrestrial Plane. To protect the ball earth theory, we are told that the sun and moon appear the same size in earth’s sky because while the sun’s diameter coincidentally happens to be 400 times greater, the sun is 400 times farther away. This is what we are sold told by ball earth theorists. What are the odds? Note that the sun, moon, and earth are never shown in their theorized distance spanning 93 million miles.

Dare to question?
There are "facts" and no alternatives -- and authorities will tell you what the facts are.
Why did we march, to be lied to?
Wait, the earth has to be round -- and not flat or any other shape -- because, otherwise, the US government, school system, mainstream media, university gatekeepers, and NASA would all have been lying to us all this time. So why do we dare to question all of these "inconvenient facts"? Of course they're lying. But sometimes the lies are so glaring that it is as if they are tell the truth to anyone with enough sense to see and question the contradictions. In science we trust. Where is science -- as free inquiry, questioning, and demanding empirical evidence -- being practiced? We thought it was at the university level, but they are severely failing us.

If the earth is spinning west to east, causing the more or less (relatively) stationary sun to appear to "rise" in the east and "set" in the west, and if the earth is on the west, the sun in the east, and the moon in between "eclipsing" the sun, why in the heck is the shadow moving west to east? Draw a model and you will instantly see the contradiction. The Goddard Space Center has no answer. Today a representative from Caltech, a professor out at the viewing party, had no answer and tried everything he could think of to obfuscate, twice concluding that the shadow (which doesn't really move because the earth is what moves) seems to move east to west -- east to west just like we said! He finally admitted he would have to sit down and do the calculations to explain what his senses and assumptions were telling him could not be happening, even as it was happening.

Quick facts: There is a full eclipse every 18 months somewhere on earth. Ralph the Caltech professor told us it's every six months, though some are annular-full rather than corona-full, which is the best kind. The next one in the US is in seven years, hitting some states and neighboring Mexico.

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