Monday, August 21, 2017

Racist rally and counter-demonstration (photos)

Associated Press (; I. Rony, editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Innocent white racist trainee, 3, in KKK garb rubs shield of black state trooper, circa 1992.

Birth of a White Nation: The Invention of White People and Its Relevance Today (J. Battalora)

Psst! Quick, put your sieg hiel salute over your heart. There's a camera on us (AP).
Black Thai Buddhist and multimillionaire sports figure and his white wife (AP).

The Latest: Protesters linger in Texas

DALLAS, Texas - The latest on a conservative rally and counterdemonstration in Boston and around the country (all times local): 11:00 PM: Only about 20 protesters remain across the street from a Dallas cemetery where police in riot gear broke up a clash over a Confederate monument.

By 10:45 pm, most of the police — including some on horseback — had left the scene. As officers forced protesters out of Pioneer Park Saturday night, many yelled at the officers when they were relocated to a blockaded street.
Earlier Saturday night, about 2,300 people attended a rally against racism as City Hall plaza nearby.
10:10 pm.
Officers in riot gear, and some on horseback, have forced hundreds of protesters out a Dallas cemetery where they were clashing over a Confederate monument. More

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