Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Our Buddha Boy and Goddess Girl (video)

Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Deccan Times

Buddha Boy was elevated to guru by followers and well-wishers (
Goddess Girl, as we're calling Sadhvi Saraswati, is standing up for ahimsa (Indian Express)

(Maitriya Guru) Buddha Boy/Ven. Dharma Sangha's blessings from Feb. 5, 2016 (
The Buddha was right! Follow the Dharma.
In this day (dystrumpian times) and age (Kali Yuga), it is not easy to find a proper role model, a hero/heroine, an idol who does not quickly disappoint.

Buddhists (and anarchist punks) have no need for heroes, it is said. But that's not to say we don't enjoy admiring good people doing good things (rejoice/saddhu-saddhu-saddhu!) even as the world comes after them for doing it.

Monster (Mara) breathes down Buddha's neck
Take our heroine Dr. Jill Stein, M.D., Green Party presidential candidate who stood up to the twin-monsters Donny and Hillary and did not succumb to Barry or Bernie's misleading sweet talk. She stands up to corporations at the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) as a water protector and is arrested and threatened with fines and jail.

Where's my Grrl Crew, Boo? - I'm CariBOO.
Kids look up to rich automatons Tadolf Swiftler and Catty Purry because that's what they're fed. Not us.

When we want youthful idols to look up to, we look toward the Himalayas to "Buddha Boy" (Ram Bahadur Bomjon/Maitreya?/Ven. Dharma Sangha) and Sadhvi Saraswati-ji, whom we're calling the living "Goddess Girl" (not to be confused with the revolving Nepalese Kumari).

I blame it on Russell Brand, my ex.
If for no spiritual reason, look how they stand up for animals and our environment! But there are spiritual reasons relating to lives lived dedicated to meditating and awakening in a time of great lust, anger, and confusion (aka "greed, hatred, and delusion," the Three Poisons of the heart and mind in Buddhism).

It's been seven years of meditation, long enough -- according to the historical Buddha -- to attain enlightenment.
(Satipatthana Sutra/"The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse")

Who is Buddha Boy?
It all began in 2005 under a tree in Nepal.
Ram Bahadur Bomjon (Sanskrit, राम बहादुर बामजान), nicknamed "Buddha Boy" (born circa April 9, 1990), is also known by the monastic names Palden Dorje and now Dharma Sangha. He was born in Ratanapuri, Nepal. He rose to fame when he drew media attention and tens of thousands of visitors by months of complete fasting and meditation. He began his meditation on May 16, 2005 until large crowds disrupted him "because there is no peace" when they started coming to see him in large numbers. He left and reappeared elsewhere in Nepal on December 26, 2006. He left again on March 8, 2007. On March 26, 2007, inspectors from the Area Police Post Nijgadh in Ratanapuri found Bomjon meditating inside an underground chamber of about 7 square feet. More

Buddha Boy no show at Hindu killing festival (Wisdom Quarterly) Gyanendra's kin leads campaign against animal sacrifice [at horrific Hindu Gadhimai Festival] Nepal's Buddha Boy Ram Bahadur Bomjan taking up cudgels on its behalf. 

Buddha Boy beats instigators... "I took minor action against them after taking them under control when they came to disrupt my meditation... Did Buddha Boy really stand up to instigators?
The Incredible Buddha Boy ( A legend is growing in Nepal, where people say a meditating boy hasn't... 

Mass slaughter of innocent animals for insane Hindu (Judeo-Christian) sacrifice ritual
The 2014 Gadhimai festival is now over, but there are actions you can take to... Stop Animal Sacrifice is website promoting awareness and action against animal... Nepal is predominately Hindu [according to census officials who purposely miscount whole families to make this small country the only Hindu nation in the world] but was the [alleged] birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha [who was actually born in ancient Kapilavastu, more likely in Bamiyan, Afghanistan]. ...Thousands of buffaloes were standing in an enclosure when [Hindu] butchers... 

Gadhimai festival in Nepal - Occupy for Animals! It takes up to 25 attempts to kill a big buffalo. The suffering is unimaginable. Campaigners have protested against the widespread public [religious] sacrifice in Nepal... stands in the way of abolishing archaic practices such as animal sacrifice as well... religious icons like the "Buddha Boy" Ram Bahadur Bomjan, among others. 

A buddha differs from an ordinary arhat.
Palden: Buddha Dharma collect as much information as possible regarding the wonderful ascetic and... According to scriptures, Nepal is an abode of sacrifice and meditation of... When he was only 4 to 5 years old he used to take food set aside for him only after... 

Buddha, The Sensible Rationalist! ( Great store, great wealth is thine; make (cow) sacrifice! ... young Brahmin to debate the Buddha regarding Varna Dharma. The boy tells the Buddha to disprove the fact that Brahmins were ... In contrast to Jainism's extreme opposition to violence toward animals, the Buddha took a moderate stand on this issue.

You take the good, you take the bad, you take it all and there you have...bad karma decrying a good aspirant to enlightenment in our dark and dismal times. About four tiny but fishy websites (Irregular Times, Setopati, The Halkoriya Times, who spell their own name wrong, and Buddha Boy Media) seem to be dedicated-haters trolling Buddha Boy to defame him and take the con view as we take the pro view. But it is good to take in all honest views.
Living Goddess says, Stop eating cows!
Ascetic Hinduism is all about ahimsa
Amid the raging debate over cow slaughter and consumption of beef, a sadhvi [female-sadhu or ascetic] attending a meet of various Hindu outfits here has said those who consider eating beef as a status symbol should be hanged [in public as a negative example to others].

Beautiful, kind Sadhvi Saraswati
The remarks made by Sadhvi Saraswati here last evening triggered a sharp reaction from the Congress, which said her speech would spark communal hatred [because minority Muslims and Christians kill and eat a lot of beef] and asked the BJP-led government in Goa to lodge an FIR against her.
"I appeal to the Government of India that those people who consider eating meat of their own mother as a status symbol should be hanged," Sadhvi Saraswati from Madhya Pradesh said.

"They [those who eat beef] should be brought before the public and hanged. Then only people will know that it is our duty [dharma or social obligation] to protect 'gau mata' [lit., 'cow mother,' source of sustenance, nourishing parent]," she said while commenting on beef consumption during the inauguration of All India Hindu Convention at Ramnathi village here.

Passion for cow-kindness leads to hyperbole?
Sadhvi Saraswati, president of Sanatan Dharma Prachar Seva Samiti of Chhindwada in Madhya Pradesh, also wanted the Hindus to keep arms in their homes to protect themselves:

"If we do not stock arms, we will be destroyed in future," she said.

"Today Bharat [India] is under attack from all directions. Efforts are being made to separate Kashmir from Bharat and also stop the Amarnath pilgrimage. Bharatmata-Gaumata [Goddess "India Mother-Cow Mother"] are being censured," she said.

World-weary beauty and junior Hindu saint
Slamming the demand by some political parties to ban the outfits calling for the creation of the "Hindu Rāshtra," she said they should realize that no power in the country can prevent Hindus from establishing the "Hindu Nation" [in addition to the one India established in Nepal].

She said, "There is no such thing as saffron terrorism," adding that: "Saffron means dedicated life for the nation and dharma."

Nearly 130 Hindu organizations from 21 Indian states and countries including Bangladesh, [Buddhist] Sri Lanka, and Nepal are attending the four-day convention, its organizers said. More

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