Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"Einstein on Race and Racism" anti-racist hero

KPFK; Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Einstein on Race and Racism
Einstein (left) rejected the offer to be the first president of Israel because he did not support Zionism and the formation of a Jewish state on Palestinian land like the CIA, England, the CIA-groomed Netanyahu brothers and other racist powers did. (Genius Nicolai Tesla on right).

Einstein on Race and Racism (amazon)
Nearly 50 years after his death, German Jewish scientist Albert Einstein (who was chased out of Germany and welcomed by Princeton, New Jersey) remains one of America's foremost cultural icons.
A thicket of materials, ranging from scholarly to popular, have been written, compiled, produced, and published about his life and his teachings.

Among the ocean of Einsteinia -- scientific monographs, biographies, anthologies, bibliographies, calendars, postcards, posters, and Hollywood films -- however, there is a peculiar void when it comes to the connection that the brilliant scientist had with the African American community.

Nowhere is there any mention of his close relationship with famous black American actor and bass singer Paul Robeson, despite Einstein's close friendship with him, or W.E.B. Du Bois, despite Einstein's support for him.
This unique volume is the first to bring together a wealth of writings by the scientist on the topic of race. Although his activism in this area is less well known than his efforts on behalf of international peace and scientific cooperation, Einstein spoke out vigorously against racism both in the United States and around the world.

Authors Prof. Fred Jerome and Rodger Taylor suggest that one explanation for this historical amnesia is that Einstein's biographers avoided "controversial" topics, such as his friendships with African Americans and his political activities.

Whut uhbout yoo, yeenius Tesla, did yoo oppose racizm? - I'ma notta involveda in politics.
This includes his involvement as co-chair of an anti-lynching campaign, fearing that mention of these details may tarnish the feelgood impression his image lends topics of science, history, and America.

Combining Einstein's letters, speeches, and articles with engaging narrative and historical discussions that place his public statements in the context of his life and times, this important collection not only brings attention to Einstein's anti-racist public activities, but also provides insight into the complexities of anti-racist culture in America.

The volume also features a selection of candid interviews with African Americans who knew Einstein as children.

For a man whose words and reflections have influenced so many, it is long overdue that Einstein's thoughts on this vital topic are made easily accessible to the general public.
Further reading

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