Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Real NEWS source: UnicornRiot.ninja (video)

Unicorn Collective (UnicornRiot.ninja); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly
The citizen journalist who videotaped the murder of Heather Heyer was part of Unicorn!

Minneapolis marches in solidarity with murdered anti-racist Heather Heyer
Heather Heyer was one of many hundreds of counter-protesters who were in Charlottesville, Virginia, voicing their opposition to a white nationalist, white supremacist, racist, NAZI, KKK gathering called "Unite the Right."
  • (See below for Unicorn Collective's coverage live from Charlottesville)
The event started outside of the state GOP headquarters building on Franklin Avenue in the Seward neighborhood of South Minneapolis. Speakers spoke against racism and white supremacy and a march went from Seward through Cedar-Riverside and ended in front of the Hennepin County Jail in downtown Minneapolis. More
  • "Half of the guns in this country (and there are more guns than people in this country) are owned by 9% of the people, mostly in red states" - Ian Masters ("Background Briefing," Aug. 15, 2017, KPFK.org)

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