Friday, September 29, 2017

L.A. Chinatown Mid-Autumn Moon Fest; CC Liu, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The annual Mid-Autumn Moon Festival celebrates the full "harvest moon." It is a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest, to celebrate and share the generous bounty with family and friends. It is a celebration for the entire Los Angeles family, Chinatown-style! Traditional Chinese cultural demonstrations alongside hot local bands and DJs mark a celebration that is both characteristically Angeleno and uniquely Chinatown. Come see the annual Dessert Eating Competition, taste Mooncake samples from Chinatown’s popular bakeries, and take a peek at the full moon in all her glory through scientific telescopes! More

Harvest Moon 2017: When is it?, Sept. 28, 2017
Harvest Moon 2017
Harvest Moon 2017: This year’s Harvest Moon will occur on October 5 (Getty Images)

The Harvest Moon, traditionally marking the changing of the seasons, is due to rise in October this year.

The full moon usually occurs in September, but this year it will make a later appearance in October. The symbolic event will take place at 6:40 pm on October 5th, and the moon will be at its brightest at around 7:40 pm. Full-looking moons near the horizons after sunset will also be visible for a few days before and after the October date. The term "Harvest Moon" refers to the full moon that falls nearest to the autumnal equinox, which took place on September 22. More

NASA's new CGI topographic map of the moon shows elevation of craters More

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