Friday, September 29, 2017

Sex is causing Bali volcano's eruption

Climbers having sex on Mt. Agung angers the volcano which will lead to an eruption.
What have the bule done to our land?
Foreigners have disrespected the mountain which has angered Agung, "the Beast," and this is why it is about to erupt, residents living near to Mt. Agung insist.

The Indonesian volcano looks set to blow as up to 400 earthquakes have hit the region over the last few days, causing 75,000 people to flee the danger zone.

Bali volcano update: Climbers having SEX on Agung are to blame, say locals.

While the imminent eruption is a natural phenomenon, a priest of a nearby village, Muntig, a Balinese village inside the volcano evacuation zone, says that the mountain is angry because the “bule” -- white people [actually any “foreigner”] -- have been having sex and menstruating on it, according to Australia’s Fairfax Media.

Jaya, the priest of the village, said: "The climbers did that.”

No-one can predict when Agung will erupt, say the villagers but the biggest warning sign will be when the animals start fleeing.
Another local, Ketut, said: "The old people advised us the heat from the mountain will make them flee. All kinds of animals -- deer, snakes, wild cows, anything.” More

"Climbers did that"!
, (Sydney Morning Herald, Sept. 27, 2017)

Jaya's priest said Mount Agung -- the largest and most sacred mountain in Bali -- is wrathful because the "bule" (white people) had sex and menstruated on the mountain. "The climbers did that," Jaya said. Mt. Agung looked deceptively calm on Wednesday, with a puff of white cloud hovering above the peak. More
A Bule in Bali: American in Indonesia
Bule Neal From,

Indonesia on the other hand, that’s a place that doesn’t really come up much in everyday American life.

China, Russia, India, sure, I know those places. I read about them. Sometimes stuff that happens there shows up on my Facebook feed. I can even show you where they are on a map.
Indonesia, however, I’ve seen it on some t-shirt tags, and that’s about it. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, but to a lot of us, that’s just that place that had that tsunami. Or at least, that’s what it was to me when I agreed to go live there. See, Americans... More

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