Sunday, April 8, 2018

How to talk to our teens about sex (TED video)

TED Radio Hour, 4/6/18; Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How Should We Talk to Our Kids About Sex? ( Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode "Turning Kids into Grown-Ups."

That's it? What's it for? - I don't know, son.
"Dad, what's a clitoris?" "Achkk, ask your mother!" "Are you kidding? She's not going to tell me anything. I doubt she knows, and if she does, she sure's not comfortable enough to share it with me." "Then go to the library!" "Wait, what am I thinking? I have a dumb phone and Wikipedia and YouTube videos! Thanks, dad!" "Hold on, son. I'd like to know myself. Let's look it up together. But whatever you do, don't tell your sister. She must never know!" "Okey-dokey."
About Peggy Orenstein's TED Talk
Author Peggy Orenstein warns us: If parents don't educate kids about sex -- the mainstream media will. She says that leads to risky behavior and keeps young females from expecting equality in sexual relationships. VIDEO (transcript - download) 
Who is Peggy Orenstein?
For the past 25 years Peggy Orenstein has written extensively on a wide range of issues affecting girls and women. From princess culture to the adolescent confidence gap to sex, she reveals uncomfortable truths about the role of girls and women in our culture -- and its consequences. Orenstein is the author of Girls And Sex, Schoolgirls, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, and most recently, Don't Call Me Princess. She is also a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine.

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