Sunday, April 8, 2018

How to talk to teens about SEX

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
When my parents told me to sit down, I thought I was in trouble. Then when they said, "We want to talk to you about sex," I was relieved and answered, "Sure, what do you guys want to know?" thinking they had to know that I knew more about it than they did. They shamed me and got me in trouble. We never talked about it again. :/
Parent-child communication: Promoting safety (Advocates for Youth) In a recent study, teens who benefited from perceived from parental guidance and who reportedly had a “good talk” with parents in the last year about sex, birth control, and the dangers of STDs were two times more likely to use condoms at the last time they had sex than teens who did not talk to their parents as often.
Tips for Talking to Kids About Sex (Planned Parenthood) Research tells us that kids and teens who have regular conversations with their parents and caregivers about sex and relationships are less likely to take risks with... The most important thing is to make it really clear to your kid that they can ask you questions or come to you for support without fear of shame or judgment [or you freaking out like a jackass who hasn't dealt with his/her own issues around sex].
Why parents should have the "Sex Talk" with their children ( It's not a one-time chat, Dr. Guilamo-Ramos says. “Talk to your child on a regular basis.” Take on the tough topics, like pleasure, birth control, and sexual orientation. Pay attention to teens. Teens in intense romantic relationships are more likely to have sex, especially if... 
Teen Sex Ed: Instead of promoting promiscuity, it delays first sex... ( Utah lawmakers gave a nod to what could become the nation's most restrictive sex-education policy if it passes: no talk of contraception and no mention of homosexuality. No mention of much, in fact, besides an emphasis on abstinence before marriage, if that. 
Contraceptive Decision-Making in Sexual Relationships: Young... ( In one scenario participants were asked to comment on a situation where they were having sex with a female for the first time without condoms and the female partner asked them about using a condom. In another scenario participants were asked how they would handle a situation where their girlfriend did not want to use...

What Do You Do If You Discover Your Daughter is Having Sex? ( If your child has been having sex at someone else's house, then they're not allowed to go that house anymore. If they've been having sex...I'd talk to the parents and tell them that you have a rule that they cannot be alone in the house, and you would ask the parents to support that rule. If you feel as if they...

This Is What Sex-Positive Parenting Really Looks Like ( A lot. It's fascinating to them. And when you're a small child, you have no sense of shame or disgust or fear of your body. Your body is what it is. ...That doesn't mean I talk with my 4-year-olds about how great sex is and how good it feels. ...And when they're older, we'll start talking about contraception.
When Sex and Dating are the Same ( A percentage of female adolescents who report they have ever had sex. Yet when it comes to contraceptive use, research tells a different story: one of racial and ethnic disparities. In particular, young ... We drew on results from these same focus groups and interviews to develop a second brief, titled Let's (Not) Talk About. Sex:...
Carnal Knowledge: The Sex Ed Debate (Health: Children's health, Soaring rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teens are adding urgency to the debate over sex education. Conservatives claim the alarming statistics illustrate why a...

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