Friday, May 11, 2018

Is TIME TRAVEL real? How? (video)

David Wilcock (; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

Dear WQ, I need to know: Time travel?
Dear Sirs, I would really like to know if time travel is real. Thank you.

Of course time travel is real. We're here in the present moment, the "now," and in a moment we'll be in the future. We are constantly traveling through time by some miraculous means. "Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future," ask your mom; she probably knows that song.

No, I mean real "time travel," the space age sh-t, like the thing in sci fi movies, cartoons [The Jetsons], and H. G. Wells' books.

Well, for an answer to that, let's ask the reborn Edgar Cayce, David Wilcock. We've already spoken to future POTUS Project Pegasus' Andrew D. Basiago ( How much more evidence is needed?

Buddhist time travel?
What do we want? Time travel! When?
There was a demonstration out in front of the Los Angeles City Council chambers in DTLA. Activists and futurists were shouting, "What do we want?!"

"Time travel!"

"When do we want it?!"

"It's irrelevant!" For, you see, once we have it, it will be as if we have always had it. And if it ever exists in the future, it exists now because we can come back to now and have it with us. That's how it is with this thing called time travel.

Buddhist time travel? These stupa-bells (glockes) atop Borobudur have buddhas in them.
I didn't believe the reports then there it was.
Don't think about it too much, as you might become unhinged and dislocated from your temporal existence. There is a no-time, the shamanic Beforetime [in the time before time began] and Dreamtime, timelessness, Godtime (for devas and brahmas), the Infinite-NOW (like that of Brahman and arupa-loka or "immaterial-sphere" beings).

But we are not consciously there. We are here (in the here-and-now). And here we have time. So use it wisely.

The Buddha gave a shocking example: How about some more rebirths (of which we have all already had countless billions with many more to come)? How about yet another separate-existence?

Sure, we say, sounds good. But it is not good. It is racked with disappointment, un-fulfillment, loss, crying, misery, woe, ill, suffering. Another rebirth is like finding a little [poop] under the fingernails: It stinks the same as a large amount.

Let us, therefore, be done with it. Let's realize the complete end of suffering, the end of this pointless -- because it was misleading us like a carrot and stick -- and endless Round of Rebirths known as samsara by the realization of nirvana here and now.

Well, what's the answer?
Blue-eyed Asians, like the historical Buddha, the Liqian people of modern China
So is there time travel in Buddhism or not? There is not really even time, which is a dependently-originated construct (fabrication), and therefore yes, in a sense.

The Buddha was able to travel at will, physically, to brahma- and deva-worlds up in what we would call "space" or "other dimensions" and return at will.

Time is not the same everywhere. Things last much longer in those other worlds; yet, when he (and other monastics with the same ability to travel) returned to this normal timeline. Only a little time had transpired here and much there. But it should have been the other way around: One day up there lasts many years down here. (Sometimes the math is 500 earth years = 1 deva day, but "500" is an idiom that is simply a shorthand way of saying "a large number").

Is there time travel? Yes. David Wilcock (Edgar Cayce) and Andrew D. Basiago tell us so. Black Budget government program work technology to wield it, and reverse-engineered technology from spacecraft indicates other beings could manipulate time or surf it.

Remote viewers, by their viewing, seem to show that there is no "time," or at least time is not what it seems. It is not an absolute. It contracts, expands, rolls back on itself, seems to be alive and self-correcting; it's almost as if all of this is a big simulation, real in its own way and by its own dream-rules (maya) but very unreal/illusory in another sense. Play along. But play rather than work through it. It's a play (lila).

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