Saturday, May 12, 2018

Teachings of the Dalai Lama (Insight LA)

Trudy Goodman (; Crystal Quintero, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

In this video I offer the first of three teachings I want to share from the time I spent with the Dalai Lama.

People everywhere find inspiration in his life and in his teachings. One certainly need not be a Buddhist. The philanthropic work we do through our Insight in Action program is an expression of the Dalai Lama's encouragement to work toward making a difference in our community and in the world around us.

Let’s not wait for someone else to build a better world. Let’s unite our efforts and inspire each other! Our acts of generosity and compassion, large or small, create a beautiful ripple effect.

Consider donating today to join and support the non-profit initiative "Insight in Action" and "No One Turned Away Fund." Love, Trudy Goodman (

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1440 Olympic Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404

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