Thursday, June 14, 2018

How: Near- and Shared-Death Experiences?

Dr. Raymond Moody, George Knapp (C2C); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly

I died, I came back. I have lived many times.
The near-death experience is easy to explain away. "They're just imagining it," people say. "As the brain is dying or being starved of oxygen, it makes up this story of surviving into the afterlife." The afterlife is real, but near-death experience accounts are dismissed as fantasy or delusion. It's not science because the subjects reporting real experiences are not reliable sources of information. After all, they're injured, sick, medicated, flatlining, and nearly dying. Fine. None of these dismissals work for a stranger phenomenon called the "shared death experience." This is when everyone present experiences the dying person's life review and future destiny, a change in dimensions during the transmission. The dying person's death visions become those of everyone in the room, not only close and grieving family members, but even dispassionate doctors and others. Dr. Moody, author of Life After Life, explains it to George Knapp on Coast to Coast.

Shared death experiences? June 13, 2018
Dr. Raymond Moody, MD wrote Life After Life. It has sold over ten million copies, and it has completely changed the way we view death and dying.

He was joined by counselor Dr. Sharon Prentice to discuss Shared Death Experiences (SDEs), which are similar to NDEs except that they occur to those around the dying person. People are temporarily "brought along" to witness the aftermath of physical death.

At the moment of her husband's death from cancer, Prentice had an SDE which she described as a transition from darkness to light. "The [dimensional] geometry of the room totally changes...The ceiling turned into mist...and I was just surrounded by billions and billions of stars [deva beings]."
She could see the stars distinctly, but they were all part of the same light that she found herself going into -- entering a compassionate realm where her negative emotions melted away, and she saw her deceased husband standing in front of her, smiling and at peace.

In deathbed situations, loved ones have reported being "kind of enveloped by this hologram of the person's life," Dr. Moody explains, adding that an emergency room doctor told him he was flooded with images of a patient's life as he was trying to resuscitate him. Doctors and loved ones, Dr. Moody says, have commonly observed a golden or grayish light leaving the upper half of patient's body at the time of their death. More + AUDIO

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