Monday, September 17, 2018

Sarah's sexting and Yom Kippur (video)

Conan O'Brien, Sarah Silverman; Sheldon S., Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

(Unlearn the lies) Let's get hardcore. Let us "afflict our souls/appetites"

Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement
(UNLEARN the lies, Sept. 29, 2017) Yom Kippur, aka the "Day of Atonement," is the holiest day of the year regarded as the "Sabbath of Sabbaths." The day's focus is atonement and repentance, observed with prayer, fasting, and giving charity to the needy. It takes place on the tenth day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar. It is the only day on which the high priest is allowed to enter the most holy place in the temple. It's a day of intercession on which the high priest makes atonement for the people. Should Christians observe Yom Kippur? Most Christians seem to think that Jesus Christ (Rabbi Y'Shua) put an end to the feasts or that the biblical feasts were only for Jews. But let's listen to what the Christian Bible has to say about it. Visit and support on Patreon.

(Bim Bam PR) What's Yom Kippur? Extreme ASCETICISM for purification

The Jewish High Holiday of Yom Kippur
(BimBam, Sept. 12, 2017) What are the basics of the "Day of Atonement" or Yom Kippur in 3 minutes? This is the most holy day of the Jewish calendar. and it is full of spiritual opportunity if you open yourself up to its customs, prayers and melodies. This short video is a basic primer on what it is and explains what this high holiday is about, where it comes from, who it's for, what to expect at a service, and how to break the fast [like a good Muslim would during the month-long Ramadan]! This is a great introduction for Jews and non-Jews alike. This [public relations] video was made possible with lots of financial "support" from The Koret Foundation as part of a Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood [Palestinian Nonpeoplehood?]. Facebook

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