Monday, September 17, 2018

Some Jews oppose Israel's crimes in Palestine

Jewish Voice for Peace (; Sheldon S., C. Quintero, S. Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Palestinian's have right of return!
Jewish Voice for Peace ( works for justice, equality and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine. The best way you can learn more about what’s happening in Gaza and take action is to become a member and take these 5 steps:
  1. Demand that Israel stop killing human protestors.
  2. Learn how Israel’s Nation-State bill attempts to legalize Bantustan Apartheid.
  3. Share 7 actions we can take to help Gaza today.
  4. Learn 6 important facts about the Great Return March.
  5. Act locally by joining a local JVP chapter.
Jewish Voice for Peace members are serious about making change. They work with diverse communities across the U.S. to achieve a lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis based on equality, human rights, and freedom for all.
Help us:
Whether a grandparent or a student, whether working in strategy meetings, art studios, or on Facebook, whether wanting to learn more about Israel/Palestine, donate or join a chapter. There's a place at Jewish Voice for Peace. More
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