Saturday, November 24, 2018

MLK Jr: A Gift of Silence? (Insight LA)

Trudy Goodman (InsightLA); Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
InsightLA logo. Calming Minds, Opening Hearts, Changing the World
Give Yourself the Gift of Silence
Rev. Dr. King with Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh
What might it be like to start 2019 with a silent retreat over the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend?

What if it's led by Spring Washam, Beth Sternlieb, and Gullu Singh at the serene Royal Way Retreat Center?

During this silent retreat explore how the Buddha's teachings offer a path to inner peace, freedom, and a compassionate heart.

Awareness as developed through mindfulness practice and loving-kindness (metta) are the essential ingredients to any spiritual life.

Awareness leads to clarity, insight, and understanding. Altruistic love opens the heart, allows a kind embrace of ourselves, and connects us intimately with all of life.

The fusion of love and mindfulness supports a compassionate response to the pain we encounter in ourselves and in life.
Buddhas point, and we practice.
In this retreat of meditation practice we will discover how these qualities are intimately related and mutually-supportive and why they are necessary in any journey of awakening in learning to live wisely and kindly in the world.

We will draw guidance from the teachings and practices of the Buddha and inspiration from the life of the great Christian Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who beautifully expressed in his words and actions the power of compassion and in response to suffering and injustice in our world.

This retreat will include comprehensive meditation instruction for sitting and walking meditation, as well as talks, group discussions, and mindful movement.

It is suitable for beginning and experienced students. Time in retreat allows us to step out of the complexity of our lives and to listen deeply to our body, heart, and mind.
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1430 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 450-1821 

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