Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Luck of Sivali (Jataka Tale)

Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly, based on British Lord Robert Chalmers (trans.), Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births, Book 1: Ekanipāta (
100. Asatarupa Jātaka
“In guise of joy...” — This story was told by the Buddha while at Kundadhanavana near the city of Kundiya about the lay Buddhist Suppavasa, who was the daughter of King Koliya.

For at that time she was pregnant -- having carried in her womb a child for seven years -- and was now in the seventh day of her birth throes. Her birth pains were grievous.

But in spite of her agony, she thought:
  • “Fully enlightened is the Blessed One [the historical Gautama Buddha], who teaches the Truth that leads to the end of all suffering;
  • of perfect conduct are the enlightened disciples of the Blessed One, who so conduct themselves that all suffering ends;
  • blessed is nirvana, wherein all suffering ceases.”
These three thoughts were her consolation during her birth pangs. She sent her husband to the Buddha to tell him of her state and bear a greeting to him for her.

Her message was given to the Blessed One, who said: “May Suppavasa, daughter of the king of the Koliyas, grow strong and well again and bear a healthy child.”

At the word of the Blessed One, Suppavasa, daughter of the king of the Koliyas, became well and strong, and she bore a healthy child.

Finding on his return that his wife had safely delivered a son, the husband marveled greatly at the exalted powers of the Buddha.

Now that her child was born, Suppavasa was eager to show bounty for seven days to the Monastic Community with the Buddha at its head. She sent her husband back to invite the monastics for alms offerings.

Now it chanced that at that time the Monastic Community with the Buddha at its head had received an invitation from the layman who supported Maha Moggallana. But the Buddha, wishing to gratify Suppavasa’s charitable intentions, sent for him to explain the matter.

Sivali was born at 7 years of age
And with the Monastic Community, the Buddha accepted for seven days the hospitality of Suppavasa.

On the seventh day she dressed up her young son, Sivali, and made him pay respect to the Buddha and the enlightened Sangha (Monastic Community) of monks and nuns.

And when Sivali was brought in due course to Ven. Sariputra [the monk declared "foremost in wisdom" just like the nun Ven. Khema Theri], the elder in all kindness greeted the boy [who had been born after seven years in the womb with the ability to speak], saying:

“Well, Sivali, is all well with you?”

“How could it be, venerable sir?” said the boy. “Seven long years have I had to wallow in blood [within my mother's womb].”

Then in joy Suppavasa exclaimed: “My child, only seven days old, is actually talking about the Dharma with the great elder Ven. Sariputra, the Marshall of the Dharma?”

“Would you like another such child?” asked the Buddha.

“Yes, venerable sir;” answered Suppavasa, “seven more, if I could have them be like him.” In solemn phrase the Buddha gave thanks for Suppavasa’s hospitality and departed.

At seven years of age the child Sivali [now 14] gave his heart to the Monastic Order and renounced the world to join the Sangha as a novice. At 20 he was given higher ordination and became a full Buddhist monk.

By following the Path of training and conduct he won full enlightenment, complete awakening, and the earth shouted aloud for joy.

One day the assembled monastics, while conversing with one another in the Hall of Truth about this matter, said: “The Ven. Sivali Thera, who now shines like a brillinat light, was the child of many prayers. Seven long years he spent in the womb, and it took him seven days to be born. How great must have been the pains of both mother and child! Of what karma (deeds) were their pains the fruit?”

Entering the hall, the Buddha asked them the subject of their discussion. “Monastics,” he said, “the skillful Sivali was seven years in the womb and seven days in birth all because of his past karma.

Similarly, Suppavasa’s seven years’ pregnancy and seven days’ birth resulted from her past deeds.” So saying, he told this story of the past:

Sivali's Rebirth Tale
Once upon on a time, when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta [the Buddha-to-be] was the child of the queen-consort. And he grew up and was educated at [the University of] Takkasila (Taxila), and at his father’s death became king and ruled righteously.

Now in those days the king of Kosala came up with a great force against Benares and slew the king and made off with his queen to be his own wife.

When the king was slain, his son escaped through the sewer system. Afterwards, he gathered a mighty force and marched on Benares. Camping nearby, he sent a message to the new king to either surrender and return his kingdom and mother or prepare for battle.

The king sent back the answer that he would give battle. But the mother of the young prince, hearing of this, sent a message to her son, saying: “There is no need to do battle. Let every entrance to the city on every side be blockaded until lack of food and firewood and water wears out the people. Then the city will fall into your hands without any fighting.”

Following his mother’s advice, the prince for seven days surrounded the city with so close a blockade that the citizens on the seventh day cut off their king’s head and brought it to the prince.

Then he entered the city and made himself king. And when his life ended, he passed away to fare according to his karmic deserts.

Lord Robert Chalmers (trans.)
The result and consequence of his karma (actions) in blockading the city for those seven days was that for seven years he was stuck in the womb and spent seven days in birth.

But inasmuch as he had paid respect at the feet of the Padumuttara Buddha and had wished with many gifts that the crown of enlightenment might be his and, inasmuch as in the days of the Buddha Vipassi, he had made the same wish while he and his townsfolk offered many gifts of great value, he therefore, by his merit, won the crown of full enlightenment.

And because Suppavasa sent the message bidding her son, then the usurped prince, to take back the city of Benares by a blockade, she was doomed to a pregnancy of seven years and to a birth of seven days' duration. His rebirth story ended, the Buddha repeated these verses:
In guise of joy and blessings, sorrow comes
And trouble, sluggards’ hearts to overwhelm.
When he had taught this lesson, the Buddha identified this rebirth by saying: “At that time Sivali was the prince who blockaded the city and became king. Suppavasa was his mother. And I was his father, the king of Benares.”

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