Friday, November 9, 2018

The Heart Wisdom of Buddhism

Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Mun via Ven. Sujato; Aloka, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Mano-pubbaṅgamā dhammā mano-seṭṭhā mano-mayā:
"All dhammas [phenomena, things] are preceded by the
heart, dominated by the heart, made from the heart."
See with your heart.
The Buddha formulated this entire Dharma (Doctrine) and Discipline from this great foundation, the heart.

So when disciples contemplate in accordance with the Dharma and Discipline until namo ["honor, homage"] is perfectly clear then mano ["mind"] lies at the end point of formulation. In other words, it lies beyond all formulations.
Londoner Ven. Sujato, monk in Thailand
All supposings come from the heart. Each of us has her/his own load to carry as supposings and formulations in line with the currents of "the flood" (ogha).

[This happens] to the point where they give rise to ignorance (avijjā), the factor that creates states of becoming and rebirth [and therefore creates all states of suffering].

All [of this happens] from our not being wise to these things, from our deludedly holding [clinging to] them all to be "me" or "mine."
- Ajahn Mun

Letting go
Enlightened Thai monk Ajahn Chah
If we see things with real insight then there is no stickiness [clinging] in our relationship to them.

They come -- pleasant and unpleasant -- we see them, and there is no attachment. They come, and they pass.

Even if the worst kinds of defilements come up, such as greed or anger, there’s enough wisdom to see their impermanent nature and allow them to just fade away.

If we react to them, however, by liking or disliking, that isn’t wisdom. We’re only creating more suffering for ourselves.
- Ajahn Chah

The Heart Sutra?
The Heart Sutra in Japanese
Ajahn Chah listened to one of his disciples recite the Heart Sutra. When he finished, Ajahn Chah said, "No emptiness bodhisatta [no being striving for enlightenment]."

He then asked, "Where did the sutra come from?"

"It’s reputed to have been spoken by the Buddha," the follower replied.

"No Buddha," Ajahn Chah retorted. Then he added, "This is talking about deep wisdom, beyond all conventions. How could we teach without them? We have to have names for things, isn’t that so?
- Ajahn Chah

Fever in the world (
The world is in a very feverish state. The mind [heart] changes from like to dislike with the feverishness of the world. If we can learn to make the mind still, it will be the greatest help to the world.
- Ajahn Chah

I went all over looking for places to meditate. I didn’t realize it was already there, in my heart. All the meditation is right there inside us. Birth, old age, sickness, and death are right there within us.

I traveled all over until I was ready to drop dead from exhaustion. Only then, when I stopped, did I find what I was looking for...inside me.
-Ajahn Chah

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