Monday, July 15, 2019

Dalai Lama on female beauty (video)

Love yourself, yab yum (Samantabhadra)
Smart stand up comedian Jimmy Dore did not like what the 14th Dalai Lama recently had to say about beauty during a BBC interview that has caused a negative backlash on the former temporal and now only spiritual leader of Tibet (in exile).

The comedian analyzes his interview on Pacifica Radio (Friday, July 12, 2019 at 5:00 PM on KPFK 90.7 FM, archived for free streaming for 90 days at

To be clear, the lama in not the "pope" of Buddhism, but he was formerly the pope-king -- merging church and state -- of Tibet. He ruled from the Tibetan "Vatican," the Potala Palace, in Lhasa, the capital of the former Empire of Tibet, which extended from Mongolia to Bangladesh, encompassing all of the Himalayan kingdoms that are now independent countries.

Vajrayana Buddhist cosmic yantra
That went on until the officially-atheist Chinese Communist government invaded, destroyed its ancient Buddhist culture (or chased it into Himalayan India), and began a long occupation and ethnic cleansing/genocide of the Tibetan peoples in what China now refers to as "Serfs Emancipation Day." 

China is now unofficially capitalist and using the Tibetan plateau as a nuclear dumping ground, displacing the ethnic Tibetans and occupying the land and businesses with newly arrived Han Chinese occupants. But for all that, many still believe the Dalai Lama will come back as the Messiah/Maitreya to save their culture and Vajrayana Buddhism with a little help from the CIA and its covert operations.

Ani Thubten Chodron explains what the Dalai Lama really meant.

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