Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Jesse Ventura mocks Google at Google Talks

Talks at Google, May 6, 2011; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

When Google had a simple credo ("Don't be evil") that it kept to, it made a pact to have a diversity of voices. That means inviting speakers who are going to say things you may not want to hear -- like how your company and its products and practices are evil. But that was back in 2011. We won't hold our breath until they invite someone else likely to say things Google Corporation dislikes. Ventura visited Google's Santa Monica office on April 13, 2011 to discuss his bestseller: 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read.

Former wrestler turned Minnesota governor and New York Times-bestselling author uncovers truths Uncle Sam is lying about and keeping from us.

The "official" story on many programs is flat-out BS, according to Ventura. In this eye-opening collection of actual government documents, the truth-seeker proves it beyond any doubt.

Ventura and co-author Dick Russell walk readers through 63 of the most incriminating programs to reveal what really happens behind closed government doors. Witness as he breaks open the vault, revealing the truth about:
  • The CIA’s top-secret program to control our behavior
  • "Operation Northwoods" — the U.S. military/government plan to hijack U.S. airplanes and blame it on Cuban terrorists as a pretext to attack Cuba (false flag operation)
  • Deadly health care cover-ups, including a dengue fever outbreak
  • What the Department of War Defense knows about our food supply — but is keeping quiet
  • Homeland Security’s “emergency” detention camps for U.S. citizens
  • Fake "terrorist" attacks planned by the United States to set new laws and control us
Although these documents are now in the public domain, the powers-that-be is trying to keep them under wraps. Ventura’s research and commentary sheds new light on what they’re lying to us about — and why it matters.

Our government lies?
(A. Jones) Say it ain't so, Jesse. While I am pleased that such a person has taken such a strong stance on 9/11, the JFK assassination, and the TSA scandal (among others), I am saddened that [everyone in] the country, including myself, has so far to go to catch up to him.... "In a free country like ours when [telling] the truth equals treason, we're in big trouble" (Ron Paul). Mr. Ventura has solidified his place in history. Speaking the truth...

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