Friday, December 27, 2019

Pagan origins of Judaism (video)

Sigalius Mýricantur, 11/21/15; Sheldon S., Crystal Q., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Yahweh Elohim evolved from the Canaanite deity El. Judaism and Christianity are completely based in polytheistic traditions. Sources: The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts by Mark S. Smith. See also Michael Cogan, Christine Hayes, William G. Dever, and John C. L. Gibson.

(Sigalius Mýricantur) Before anyone comments about the verifiability of these facts, I suggest they actually read the scholarly literature written by the authors supplied in the description.

(Pawel Trawicki) So you're saying that the Jews (no pejorative intended) were polytheists along with everyone else in the Levant. This makes sense to me. I would also believe that Jews and Canaanites are [not] the same thing, but DNA testing could settle that.

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