Saturday, January 18, 2020

Sharon Salzberg in Los Angeles (Feb. 22)

Sharon Salzberg (,,; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Jennifer B., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

It's a good book in a new enlarged edition.
Imagine a happiness that is not shaken by the changing conditions of the world around us: a kind of inner happiness that is open, stable, curious, and wise.

Legendary American Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg offers a pathway to discover and cultivate such happiness through meditation in her New York Times bestselling book, Real Happiness: A 28-Day Program to Realize the Power of Meditation.

The best way to read it and prepare for this daylong event is to sign up for the challenge.
Sharon joyfully celebrating her birthday
It is now in its second edition with a new introduction, updated scientific research, and expanded guided meditations.

Meditation is far simpler, more fun, less esoteric, and much more relevant to the wide-ranging situations we encounter in everyday life than we might imagine.

Rather than an ornate or arcane set of instructions, meditation consists of practical tools to help deepen concentration, mindfulness, and compassion. We can rely on these tools when we feel out of control of events or when we want a kind of happiness that is less fragile and dependent on shifting external conditions.

During this daylong retreat we will explore our notions of happiness, strength, aloneness, and possibility. We’ll practice mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation along with dialogue and discourse. Suitable for new and experienced meditators. RSVP with no commitment. 
  • Barnsdall Gallery Theater
  • 4800 Hollywood Bl., LA 90027
  • Saturday, February 22, 2020
  • 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 
Priority seating guarantees a seat in the first few rows. Base cost is first-come-first-serve in the rows behind the first few rows. In addition to the day of practice, Sharon Salzberg will be the guest of honor at a benefit dinner for Insight LA. It will take place at teacher and board member Lisa Kring’s home on Feb. 22nd at 6:00 pm following the daylong.

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