Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why are we all LOCKED down? (video)

Tukker_Barnes (video); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

A Rockefeller Foundation paper published in 2010 states a pandemic can be used as a pretext to establish an authoritarian global government. Their "Lock Step" scenario unfolds nearly exactly as we are witnessing with the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic right now. Predicting mass shutdowns across the USA and the world, that Rockefeller paper entitled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development," also scripts a  scenario eerily similar to "Event 201," the pandemic simulation staged in October 2019 by Johns Hopkins University with the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Johnson & Johnson.

(SS) There's that old saying, When they came for the radicals, I didn't do anything because I'm not a radical. When they came for the liberals, I didn't do anything because I'm not a liberal. When they came for the progressives, I didn't do anything because I'm not a progressive... When they came for me, no one did anything. It's probably too late to wake up. We just hope Universal will still get to have their movies released in theaters and online when they re-open the Hollywood propaganda houses.

(Marylou Gardiner) What if there are no viruses (other than the viruses living in our imaginations because the mainstream media keeps repeating fear porn 24/7/365)? What if there are just EMF weapons? Now they've got enough equipment made [HAARP, 1G-5G cell phone towers] that would require millions for each country they're installing it in while they've imprisoned the people with mind control techniques? These EMF death towers have to go. It's either them or us! [Europeans already destroy them in protest.] Say no to the NWO [New World Order]. More

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