Tuesday, June 30, 2020

20+ million lived in Amazon (Joe Rogan)

JRE Clips from The Joe Rogan Experience #1284 with Graham Hancock, author of America Before, and #1293 with Andrew Santino, 2019; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Xochitl (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
One of thousands of Amazon "Stonehenges," amazing archeology Europeans wiped out.

The Amazon jungle is a colossal mystery with Graham Hancock
J. Rogan Experience
(JRE Clips) Host Joe Rogan has hind mind blown by researcher Graham Hancock, author of America Before. The White man wiped out the New World with his European diseases like smallpox, greed, and war and domination mentality, developed it would seem from centuries of fighting each other all over Europe.

America Before: Key to Earth's Lost Civilization
Smallpox seems to have killed an estimated former population of 20 million people in the Amazon basin, a massive garden fed by the use of terra preta ("dark earth"), a uniquely rich biochar soil containing a unique mix of microbes not found in adjacent soils. The basin is an area the size of India or 5.5 million square kilometers.

It is full of henges (like Stonehenge), sophisticated manmade earthworks, deep ditches with embankments and sometimes stone pillars, used by astronomers. There are thousands of them in the Amazon. LIDAR (light imaging and detecting radar).

The Maya, Aztec, Toltec, and other civilizations were unimaginably grand and sophisticated. Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1293 w/Andrew Santino and #1284 w/Graham Hancock.

(JRE Clips) Joe Rogan Experience #1284, The Amazon is a Colossal Mystery w/Graham Hancock, April 23, 2019).

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