Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A day in the life of a Buddhist monk (video)

Johnathan Green, TrueTube, May 26, 2020; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The life of a wandering ascetic (Buddhist monk) includes going on alms round, England.

Say hello to Venerable Manapo. He’s a Buddhist monk or bhikkhu in Warwickshire, England. TrueTube's cameras followed him around to find out what he does all day. What does any Buddhist nun or monk do all day?

The Forest Hermitage, Warwickshire, UK
What's the point of doing it? This wandering ascetic is on a spiritual mission, the same one Siddhartha was on, a quest for enlightenment, awakening from all the painful illusions of life, the marriage of compassion and wisdom, escaping to reality. This is a short film by Jonathan Green.

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